Reminded by dolphins

Lynne McTaggart

Recently, I read about a Newcastle University study showing that cows given names produce far more milk than unnamed animals.  The researchers, who studied 516 cows, found that those cows given personal identities – a name like Daisy, say – produced up to 454 more pints of milk a year than cows that remained anonymous. 


This especially interested me, mostly because it seemed to be a revelation to the researchers that cows would be happier and more relaxed when given a little bit more one-to-one attention.  It was almost shocking to them that cows would have an interior life.


I’ve been watching a series on TV called the Secret Life of Elephants. The show follows groups of elephant families in Northern Kenya at Samburu National Reserve and covers the work of the world-renowned elephant expert Iain Douglas Hamilton and his Save the Elephants team.  Most notably, the show allows us to be witness to the emotional and social complexities of an elephant’s world – the breadth of their emotional landscape, the intricacies of family life.  


The show’s remarkable camera work reveals evidence of the complicated grieving mechanism elephants undergo when a member of the family dies, or the rest of the family’s jubilation when their matriarch mates with the toughest elephant on the reserve.  Primarily, it bears witness to the love and closeness of an animal family.


The surprising part of the film and indeed the Newcastle study isn’t that cows respond to being fussed over, or that elephants display an array of emotions, but that human beings find this in any way unusual.


Copious research shows not only that animals far more sensitive than humans in almost every way, but also that animals appear to have a profound effect on human beings – in improving their health.


I’ve just got back from a Transformational Leadership Council meeting in Hawaii and perhaps the most remarkable part of our trip was our 12-year-old daughter’s session swimming with dolphins.  Her elation afterward may have been emotional – she’s a great animal lover and this has been a dream of hers for many years – but I believe it also was physiological.


In studies of human and dolphin interactions, it’s been found that dolphins have profound effects on human beings.  For instance, dolphins produce brainwave changes in humans in their company.  David Cole, computer scientists at Fort Myers, Florida, fascinated by the possibility that dolphins might have a profound physiological effect on humans, developed a neuromapping electroencephalography (EEG) instrument to study the neurological effects on the human brain of close contact with dolphins. 


In his research Cole found that after swimming, touching, playing or diving with dolphins, a participant’s dominant brainwave frequency slows significantly from a beta frequency (the state of ordinary consciousness) to something resembling an alpha state, the brainwave frequency of light meditation or dreaming.  He also found that the brain hemispheres synchronize, so that the brainwaves emitted from both the left and right hemispheres are in phase (peaking and troughing at the same time) and of similar frequency (speed).


This is precisely the type of left-right brain synchronization that occurs in like monks and other experienced meditators after a long session of meditation.


Other evidence shows that the production and uptake of the brain’s neurotransmitters are strengthened by dolphin contact. 


Although some scientists believe the positive effects have to do with chemical changes in cells caused by the sound waves emitted by dolphins, this may not be the whole story.  Many behavioral and electrophysiological changes have been observed in people exposed to dolphins at much further distances. 


Another possibility suggested by dolphin researchers is a process called ‘resonant entrainment’, a situation analogous to when one tuning fork hits a pitch, causing nearby tuning forks to vibrate at the same frequency.  And we know that bottlenose dolphins produce low-frequency electromagnetic and scalar (or standing) waves.


In the Hello Dolphin Project in Florida, researchers used special sensor and recording equipment to record all signals emanating from dolphins.  They then also recorded the brainwave frequencies of the children participating in the study. 


When the dolphins were present, the scientists recorded an electrical, magnetic and acoustical extremely-low frequency signal of about 16 Hz in nearly three-quarters of all the trials. 


Here’s the amazing part of the story. After the children interacted with the dolphins, their brainwaves had made profound shifts to a predominant frequency near 16 Hz – exactly the frequency of the dolphin signal.


The researchers concluded that dolphins simultaneously emit acoustical, electrical and magnetic fields, and that after first sensing electrical fields from humans, the dolphins then attempt to communicate using the same frequencies (in the human brainwave band of 6-30 Hz). In other words, they both communicate with us and then ‘correct’ us.


We feel better around dolphins because they ‘remind’ our bodies of our ideal frequencies. 


It is we who should feel better if cows deem us worthy of a name.


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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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30 comments on “Reminded by dolphins”

  1. What about music of the dolphins that one could listen to, would it have somewhat of the same effect/affect?

  2. I'm curious about the dolphin music too, also, I'm wondering about the brain wave effect that whales and their singing might have on human brain waves.

  3. BUT - what about the poor dolphins - it is kind of like porn - you might enjoy the performance - but would you want that as a career choice for your child - would you want your family to be in captivity for the entertainment of another creature?
    sorry to be so crass

  4. Yes, all this is interesting but indeed...what about the poor dolphins (kam gordon) it right to interfere with their life for our own benefit whatever that is. There was a time in my life I would have liked to swim with them because I love them but once I got informed of the whole sad process of capturing them , I don't want to be part of it.

  5. Dear Lynne,
    You always have such interesting blogs!
    The research with "resonant entrainment" is a major premise I discuss in my new book, Why Love Heals. When we are exposed to love, it resonates with our essential nature which is love. This greater synchronization and harmony creates a healing response.
    My best to you, Dean

  6. I agree with the sentiments against capturing dolphins and using them for our benefit... but one can swim with them in the wild if one does some research. I won't disclose where I've done it but you may find somewhere to do it. If you are lucky enough to find this magical place you might want to keep in mind some points that I was taught by the locals...some dos and don'ts:
    - chase or harass them in any way
    -touch them(they can contract our diseases and don't have the same antibodies that we do- ie. like when the first nations people contracted our diseases and many died)
    -tell anyone where to find the place
    -brag about it
    -swim peacefully nearby and ask for their permission to interact while inviting them to you with your heart
    -wait until they come to you
    -pay attention
    -swim along with them at their invitation
    -keep this experience to yourself for at least 4 days before talking with someone you trust about it
    -only tell a few unless it's to pass on these instructions like I'm doing now
    I waited 2 days until they came to me. I swam with them for 2 months after that. It was a beautiful experience.
    There is a film/doc coming out soon about an Orca that tried to make friends with humans in Nootka Sound up here in BC. It's called Saving Luna and will inspire you and break your heart and is so worth seeing. You can request it in your local theater.
    There are all kinds of opportunities for us to reach across the divide that we domesticated and civil-liesed people have constructed between us and the real world. The "wild" is waiting for us to hear the call and to go there in our bodies, hearts and minds.
    Try reading "The Story of B" by Daniel Quinn... or one of the other many wonderful books about re-wilding and re-indiginating ourselves.
    That's what I think we are longing for when we hear a story about connecting with the beauty and intelligence of the natural/real world.
    Remember that "to heal" is to make whole. We are still fragmented until we connect and relate with the natural/real world in a real, empathetic and accountable Re-member ourselves.
    Blessed Be

  7. I remember hearing something about humans and life being the dream of the dolphin...

  8. Forrest Boden: thank you so much for this precious information. I will follow up. My spirits lift when I realize that many others share my feelings about non-humans. In Greece, many dolphins saved fishermen's lives and drowning people. I remember them in the Mediterranean following the few left there now.

  9. I've been blessed to swim in the wild with dolphins as well as with humpback whales a number of times. I have also experienced time including a glorious hug from a dolphin at Ocean World in the Dominican Republic. (Truly amazing, by the way.) What I know about these beloved cetaceans is that they are super-conscious beings of great intelligence and love. They have to be to have the abilities to "correct" my brain functions by their presence. They breathe voluntarily, whereas as humans we breathe involuntarily. When a dolphin wants to die it can simply close its blow hole, stop breathing and die. And, does it really die as do we really die?
    I, too, debated whether to go to Ocean World and pay for an experience with a captive dolphin. I chose to go to the dolphin experience consciously bringing my light and love to the dolphin to uplift it. To my surprise, the dolphin knew exactly what she was doing - both being in captivity and "obeying" her trainer's commands, AND carrying on a telepathic conversation with me in which she said: "I am fine. Do not worry about me. There are people here I can help everyday. I am right where I need to be."
    Since everything is part of the Unified Field, and the physical realm is the part where beings participate in the expansion of consciousness and unconditional love for the benefit of the whole Field, then maybe dolphins and whales in their apparent struggles are really calling us to be more loving and compassionate in all of our thoughts, feelings and actions. Unfortunately sometimes some humans need the messages, visual and such, to be terrible in order to finally and continually choose love and compassion in all things. I bless the dolphins and whales for their conscious service to humanity. Thanks for this opportunity to share my thoughts. Many blessings.

  10. Re: Cows having identities. In the Spindrift Research prayer findings, what Bruce and John Klingbeil termed "Associational Linkage," akin to entanglement, was important in establishing a relationship with the object of prayer. I see this cow story as confirming the importance of forming links by association to loved ones and objects of meaning. --Bill Sweet

  11. Thanks, Lynne, Barbara S. and Forrest B., for all you each wrote. I agree with you all! (and wise tips, too, Forrest; glad you added them)
    On one (more earthly) level, though, I still can't help but feel sorry for any animal in captivity (or otherwise suffering). On a higher/soul level, yes, they have their life missions, too, just like us, but on their earthly level of consciousness, any individual among them may indeed also not be quite as 'enlightened' during the course of their physical circumstance and can still experience the more earthly types of pains and sufferings. However it is for each of them, I think it's a pretty sad testament that anyone has caused the need for any other being to 'sacrifice' themselves in order for the Whole to evolve.
    I think you would each also enjoy reading "Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions" by Dawn Baumann Brunke. If we could all learn how to do what she's doing, we wouldn't even necessarily have to go anywhere to experience the many glorious creatures in the fullest of ways! Dawn lives in Alaska.

  12. For training alpha brain waves Holosync is very good. I'm using it already and I'm very happy with it.

  13. As a student of John Upledger, I know many people who claim to have been helped to heal by the dolphins. In this case, they are not herded, they are called in the wild and always come! and they appear to know exactly what is being asked and do it!

  14. I was recently at a conference at which a presenter discussed the positive impact on human - and I am assuming on other mamillian - neuorology of helping. As recipients of help, we increase our neuoro-protective factor (NPF)load by 200 % or so. As helpers, when we help couscioulsy, we increase our overall NPF load by some 1400%. NPF's are a variety of positive protective protiens and other nutrients that promote improved mental and physical health. While I don't know if dolphins consciously know they are helping those humans close to them, they may, and it may improve their overall health, perhaps even if in captivity.

  15. All these commentaries on the influence of dolfins on human beings make me muse on the fact that once we slide into the element of water, leaving the elements of earth, air and fire behind us, we find us somewhat in the same circumstances as once in the womb of our mother. As a foetus we also were influenced by her moods and thoughts. Vibrations of several levels apparently are brought back into our unoncious memory when in contact with lovely beings like dolfins. And so balance may be restored. Nature at work. Even when those creatures who didnot loose their ablity for unconditional love, are kept in captivity. I do not understand it but live in awe!

  16. Dolphins and other mamalian sea creatures, can communicate telepathically, and give off electro magnetic signals, which connect with other living creatures. I do not know if anyone else has experienced this phenomena, but when I have been in proximity to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, I have felt so calm and peaceful, there is a strange feeling of belonging as if they are saying:-" Welcome to our world." I came away from the experience feeling elated and healed in some way.
    I have been close to Whales and Dolphins, in Nelson's Bay NSW Australia and Porpoises in the North Sea off Scotland. It was very cold there, I might add even on a hot Summer's day. Two Porpoises swam either side of me and I was able to put my arms round them and they swam some distance with me holding on, on the surface; I had a job keeping my head above the water, it was most exilerating.
    Ken Jackson.

  17. Thank you to all who expressed your ideas on captive dolphins. Or any animal for that matter. It's easy for us to justify this as being for our higher good. But I can't agree with this, nor can I ever patronize any place that allows these animals to be in captivity and in unnatural surroundings. It makes my heart ache for them and their families that they were taken from. These are truly great social creatures, and I think the greatest joy is seeing them playing in the wild.

  18. This is a beautiful dialogue. I am considering getting a dog. Are dogs, which are highly social, also better off if left in the wild? How do we distinguish domesticated from wild? Is there a difference other than in our own minds?

  19. Well, let's consider how long dogs have been domesticated. I don't think it would be fair to suddenly turn them into the wild now, do you? I would never consider getting a wolf and keeping it captive. Although there are many that do. Yes, there are bonds with humans and animals, no one can deny that, they are wonderful creatures.
    But I just don't think it's fair to rip an animal out of it's natural environment, and put it into an artificial one, for the sole purpose of entertainment. And however it wants to be worded, that is what it is. I know there are programs that can do this under the guise of "scientific" research, but when the public is going and basically molesting these creatures, I don't think that's fair. I visited an institute that worked with dolphins that released them everynight back to the ocean. They made the choice daily whether they wanted to come back and work with autistic children. And they did come back. This was THEIR choice, not a human's. They did love the interaction. Dolphins have a heirarchy of who they like in the human world. The top of the heirarchy are "special needs" children, then the other children, then women, and last men. I learned a lot from this place, and the first thing we learned is that you never touch dolphins until they offer themselves to you. It's like molestation. Think of all the tourists that go into these places to swim with them and are touching them all over. Grabbing there fins because the trainer is telling them to allow this. Would we allow that for ourselves, our children? I think not. I know the draw to these beautiful creatures is almost too much to resist, but we have to respect them all and what is best for them, not us.

  20. Animal intelligence and their ability to heal is amazing, we have much to learn from their acceptance of life one day at a time.
    Domesticated animals, on the whole are happy to live and work alongside us; I am lucky enough to work in a healing capacity with animals, and although I have met 2 'shut down' horses, on the whole they are very open to receive healing, whether it is the Reiki I am offering them, or the herbs, essential oils and other natural remedies they are offered to self select. What I find very interesting is tht often they are exhibiting problems that refelct their human companions' problems (eg anxiety/ stress etc...) perhaps their way of supporting healing is by pointing out in their body and mind a problem that needs to be resolved? the partnership animals offer us is truly a healing gift, we just need to recognise it as part of our own spiritual journey.

  21. I remember having a favorite cow called Marion on the farm i was born and raised.
    The interesting part about such a relation with an animal is to see the benefits for both sides.
    I am also aware that there is a group involved in pets for psychiatric patients who states that the patients benefit greatly from having an pet.
    Has this been looked into aswell?
    It would be interesting to see how different people improve their lives with the help of a pet, who are just as valid a mate as a human one.
    And for instance a dog will NEVER judge you.
    Often those people will develop traits that they picked up from their pets which help them to relate to others as well i think.
    It would also be interesting to see the evolving relationship between people and their pets and the difference between having a relationsip with a cat or dog for instance.
    What do people learn from their pets?
    Thanksgreeting from Sneek/Snits
    Boomfriend Ruerd

  22. I wonder if it's possible for us humans to recognize the paradox that occurs with the topic of captivity? I forget it myself at times. Maybe we could consider that some dolphins are willingly participating. That they are intelligent, conscious and that they too have aims for this world. maybe if we saw them as at least equals we could begin to understand that they have choice and they are choosing....for the highest good. Acquaintances of mine that study wild dolphins have shared stories with me that the dolphins they are studying, time and time again will purposefully put themselves in the net they use to temporarily catch it possible they know what they are doing?.....just something to ponder. 😉

  23. I worked with dolphins in the Bahamas with the Upledger Institute as a cranial sacral therapist. Our clients were severely handicapped. As we held them in the water, the dolphins instinctively knew where to touch the injured person. I saw healings with some of the clients with dolphins that were free to go anywhere in the water.

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