Community Rules

We would love for you to join our community!

Lynne has a wonderful new private online community and we would be happy to have you join us.  It is free and open to all, and we are able to discuss amongst ourselves freely and securely.  Lynne joins us often with personal videos and announcements as well!

There are however some essential rules that we have set up to attempt to provide a safe space for all, please look them over and if you are committed to abiding by these simple guidelines, we could like you to register for an account today!

Supportive. We encourage our members to give and receive support in particular when other members are sharing their stories and experiences.
Stay on topic. Comments, questions and contributions should be relevant to the topic being discussed. Keep in mind that this is not a place for unsolicited personal or commercial solicitation or advertising (e.g., “Win a free laptop”, etc.).
No spam. No one likes seeing the same message posted to one or many articles, galleries or discussions.
Respect privacy. Do not post personal or any other information that you do not want made public and respect the privacy of other members of the community.
Don’t upload or post inappropriate content. If a user uploads inappropriate, pornographic or offensive, or otherwise objectionable content to the Sites, such user may be banned from the Community. We will also edit or entirely remove such posts.
Let us know. Our Community team does monitor posts, but we may miss something. We encourage members to flag content which they feel violates any of the above Community Rules so we can review and take the appropriate action.
It’s your content. The views and opinions expressed in the community do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Lynne McTaggart or her team. Please remember that any comments or content you share on this site are your sole responsibility.
Be civil. We encourage open discussions. However, all communications should be respectful. Differences of opinion are okay; personal attacks are not. Comments or content that are violent, threatening, abusive, sexually explicit, obscene, offensive, hateful, derogatory, defamatory, or are racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable content will be removed. If you see abuse, report it to us using the ‘report’ button.

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