"Every year, of the regular attenders in Lynne’s Masterclass groups, virtually everyone makes some sort of major shift. However, don’t take our word for it. Below are some of the glowing reviews we’ve received:
“I am seeing positive improvements with family relationships after my group’s intention for improvement. There was a lot of family strife between husband and wife and parents and child, which all has evaporated and feelings and emotions between everyone are closer and more loving.”
- Viola
“I haven’t had asthma for almost a year now since our group intention for my lungs. I recently stayed with my son and his family and 2 cats for 10 days with no allergy symptoms at all, after a group intention for that, too. It's amazing how well intentions work, it really seems magical sometimes.”
– Jan M
“This year there were two interesting things: I was diagnosed with needing a dental implant. I worked with my PO8 group, and the need for a dental implant went away, saving me $4000. I have had multiple diagnostic tests for suspected recurring breast cancer - multiple mammograms and then had a biopsy which came up negative."
– Toni Pace Carstensen
“Before joining the Masterclass I had read Lynne’s books and thought I knew about intention. But the year of committed practice allowed me to experience what I had learned and that is a whole new level of understanding. I got to experience and witness healing and transcendence of illness, trauma, finances and relationships. There were remarkable changes in my group and in my own life. Through Lynne’s example and teaching I learned to write clear and specific intentions focused on an outcome rather than how I thought it should/could happen. The art, practice and magic of continually focusing my energy into a clear, specific intention will forever be a part of my life.”
– Laurel Lia
"Our group intention for me to stop all sugar put an immediate end to the shame and hopelessness I felt after decades of battling this addiction without success. Now I sleep through the night without binges and no longer experience the sugar hangovers that kept me asleep some days well into the afternoon. Thanks to the group’s intention I started a daily practice of exercise and meditation. My husband and I enjoy more of one another’s company. These days I am feeling super-connected, blissful, guided, loved and supported. Thanks to my Power of Eight® group, I am experiencing one of the best periods of my life"
– Kristen Stephan
''Looking back at this year's Masterclass, I realize that the gift this has essentially given me, is the deep connecting contact with the wonderful ladies of our group, Here, There and Everywhere. And when I look at what the intentions have done to me, I realize that although I have never really asked our group to do intentions in connection with my health (Lyme disease, joint and muscle pain, low immunity, etc.), I must admit that I have had improvement e.g. concerning joint pains and muscle pain."
– Rita Steven
‘I was able to rent my second house for the exact period of time and rate I was looking for, even better to a family member. It “serendipitously” dropped in during a lunch with a mutual friend who had no idea I was hoping for a renter and who connected the dots for me. It really felt like a miracle directly rising from my intention and our group. This program is powerful, the year-long commitment a winning formula especially when you are grouped with 10 others equally committed to the process and whose hearts are fully engaged”
– Jody Levine
"At one point, I intended for my heart to be open and to bring more love into my life. And as a result of that, two weeks later an ex-boyfriend of mine contacted me – we last saw each other 35 years ago and since then we’ve been connecting every week, with long telephone calls, and are now back together. It’s just MORE than I could have dreamed of. Personally, it’s been an amazing year of connecting more to spirituality. Meeting every week was just a joy for all of us in our group. I can’t recommend enough for people to join the Power of Eight® Intention Masterclass. It’s really transformative and just a beautiful thing to do."
– Joy M
“Thanks so much for coming up with this intending system Lynne, many thousands of lives have been magically impacted and it’s a wonderful thing! Also, it brought us new friends and a great support system without individual groups and throughout the world!”
– Teri B
"My relationship with my youngest daughter has improved tremendously. I have been shown a path to a new semi-retirement career. I have been able to expand my social circle. I have been calmer and less stressed and I am happier, more centered and grounded. Overall, my life is simply BETTER since I began intentions."
– Kim Gurlitz
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We regret that all bookings, whether Early bird or regular price, are non-refundable.
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne!
The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com