When 1300 Jedi knights got together

Lynne McTaggart

I’m just back from the Science and Spirituality conference, held in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, and what an amazing six-day event it was!  I shared the stage with my great buddies Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Lee Carroll, with a full house of 1300 squeezed into the auditorium. Each of us gave a workshop, and each of us but Joe (who had to leave for a retreat) spoke twice.

And all of the speakers held a panel answering questions about the future. Bruce, Gregg, Joe and I said we were optimistic that all the tumultuous events occurring all over the world are a necessary – and positive – wrecking ball, to help usher in a radically different and better future. Listen to the full Q&A here:

Nanaimo, a scenic little harbor town (of 25,000) on Vancouver Island, wasn’t ready for this ferocious influx of visitors, and by day four, restaurants were struggling to cope with orders and even running out of food. Some of the staff at my hotel commented that it felt like a cruise ship had docked in the harbor but then decided not to leave.
Despite any issues with food, no one seemed to mind. Gertrud, a lovely woman who had volunteered to shepherd me around all weekend, said that she had come because it was like a meeting of the Jedi council. A little piece of heaven had been created inside the Vancouver Conference Center, as those 1300 people stayed nailed to their seats, listening attentively from 9 am to, on some days, 11 pm at night.

The latest research
Joe shared some of his latest brain research. Bruce talked about the latest evidence from epigenetics – how your environment shapes your genes – and ‘the honeymoon effect’: how to re-create the heaven-on-earth feeling that you get when you are first in love. Gregg talked about the major errors perpetrated by modern science about evolution and DNA – that we appeared 200,000 years ago wholly formed, with an advanced brain, nervous system and capabilities already developed, rather evolving slowly over millennia. Lee channeled Kryon, who spoke about the effect on its inhabitants of major magnetic changes in the Earth’s polarity.
And I shared the latest about the Power of Eight® and the Intention Experiment, showing videos of people who had been healed and groups like the Arabs and Israelis sending love and forgiveness to each other after our Middle Eastern Peace Intention Experiment last November.

As always, in my workshop, where people were put into Power of Eight® groups, we had extraordinary healings: a woman with tinnitus, who said it stopped the moment her group started intending for her; someone with a sore sacroiliac joint who said that after getting really hot during the group session it had stopped hurting; yet another woman with limited range of motion in her right arm, who could move normally after the intention; a man born deaf with nerve damage in his right ear and only 30 per cent hearing in the other ear, who said after his group session, he was hearing as though he had in his hearing aids (he wasn’t wearing any).

Healing traumas
We carried out some retrointention techniques and a number of the audience ‘rewrote’ their response to past traumas that were ongoing. The Americans in the audience did a group intention to heal the division in our country; the Canadians sent an intention to help house the homeless in Nanaimo.

I signed books for a total of four hours over the three days. I met people from our Power of Eight® Intention Masterclass 2018 – a member of the Wolves and one from the Pandas – and many people from countries around the world.

And I left on Tuesday with a clear sense that the Death Star is no longer winning.
There are more Jedis than any of us realizes.  And The Force (or, I like to say, The Field) is definitely with us.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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