Several weeks ago, in my blog When intention goes backward, I shared the story of Israeli professor Leonard Leibovici’s strange research into retro-prayer. When it was published in the Lancet, it caused a sensation: the study that showed we can go back and change the past.
His may be one of the most outrageous real-life studies about intention flowing backward, but it’s not the only one. A sizeable body of research has demonstrated clear instances of time-reversed effects. In fact, some of the largest effects occur when intention is sent out of time.
At Princeton’s PEAR (Princeton Anomalies Engineering Research) laboratory, the late dean of engineering Robert Jahn and his partner, psychologist Brenda Dunne, discovered this phenomenon when they investigated time displacement in their REG (random-event generator) trials.
Jahn and Dunne had spent around 30 years painstakingly amassing some of the most convincing evidence about the power of mind and directed intention to affect machinery using REGs, the electronic, 21st century equivalents of a toss of a coin. The output of these machines was controlled by a randomly alternating frequency of positive and negative pulses.
Because their activity was utterly random, they produced ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ each roughly 50 per cent of the time, according to the laws of probability.
The most common configuration of the REG experiments was a computer screen randomly alternating two attractive images – let’s say, of dogs and cats. Participants in the studies would be placed in front of the computers and asked to try to influence the machine to produce more of one image – more dogs, say – then to focus on producing more images of cats, and then to try not to influence the machine in either direction.
Over the course of more than two and a half million trials Jahn and Dunne decisively demonstrated that intention can influence these electronic devices in the specified direction. Their results were replicated independently by 68 investigators.
But here’s the real kicker. In some 87,000 of these experiments, volunteers were asked to attempt to mentally influence the ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ random output of REGs in a specific direction anywhere from three days to two weeks after the machines had run.
And even weirder, the ‘time-displaced’ experiments achieved even greater effect sizes than the standard experiments did.
An effect size is a statistical figure used in scientific research to demonstrate the size of change or outcome. It’s arrived at by a number of factors, usually by comparing two groups, one of which has made the change. An effect size under 0.3 is considered small, between 0.3 and 0.6 is medium, and anything above 0.6 is considered large.
Aspirin, considered one of the most successful heart attack preventives of modern times, has an effect size of just 0.032 – more than 10 times smaller than the PEAR lab’s overall effect size.
If their results had concerned a drug, Jahn and Dunne would have discovered one of the greatest lifesavers of all time.
One interpretation of retro-intention suggests the unthinkable: intention is capable of reaching back down the timeline to influence past events, or emotional or physical responses, at the point when they originally occurred.
The big problem of going ‘back to the future’ and manipulating our own past are the logical knots the mind gets tied up in when considering them.
Just think about the movie The Terminator. If the Schwarzenegger cyborg goes back in time and kills Sarah Connor so that she can’t give birth to future rebel John Connor, there’d be no future revolution between man and machine. The Terminator no longer has any need to come back in time – in fact, no longer any reason for being created.
These days, though, physicists no longer consider retro-causation inconsistent with the laws of the universe. More than 100 articles in the scientific literature propose ways in which laws of physics can account for time displacement.
They suggest that it all has to do with scalar waves, secondary waves in the Zero Point Field, caused by the motion of subatomic particles interacting with Field, which ripple in space-time and can travel faster than the speed of light.
Or it has to do with the observer effect – the effect of the human mind to collapse quantum particles into a single state.
Or that all information in the universe is available to us at every moment, and time exists as one giant smeared-out present.
But the most convincing possibility, and one being adopted by pioneering physicists like Carlo Rovelli, is that at the most fundamental layer of our existence there’s no such thing as sequential time. Pure energy as it exists at the quantum level does not have time or space, but exists as a vast continuum of fluctuating charge.
We, in a sense, are time and space. When we bring energy to conscious awareness through the act of perception, we create separate objects that exist in space through a measured continuum. By creating time and space, we create our own separateness and indeed our own time.
What appears to be retrocausation is simply evidence that the present is contingent upon future potential conditions or outcomes. And that non-locality occurs through time as well as space.
The fact that results like PEAR’s are even larger during the time-displaced studies suggests that thoughts have even greater power when their transmission transcends our ideas of ordinary time and space.
That’s certainly been my experience in my courses and workshops and also the work of my husband Bryan Hubbard, author of The Untrue Story of You and originator of the Time-light method of healing past events, trauma or self-sabotage.
As Robert Jahn once said to me: ‘Take time out of it and it all makes sense.’
What this really means is that our future actions, choices and possibilities all help to create our present as it unfolds. In this sense, we’re constantly being influenced in our present actions and decisions by our future selves.
And this offers the weirdest idea of all: that thoughts can affect other things no matter when the thought is made and, in fact, may work better when they’re not subject to a conventional time sequence.
In fact, Robert Jahn was right. Taking time out of it may not be a fanciful idea – it may be utterly essential for you to live life to the fullest.
If you’d like to explore using intention to ‘time travel’ that not only heals issues in the present but also those of the past, join me and my husband Bryan Hubbard for a week-long, once-in-a-lifetime retreat at a blissful oceanfront setting in Costa Rica Dec 29, 2021. Join a small group of likeminded people to clear out the old and make way for the new, and get 2022 off to a powerful new start!
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
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