When intention goes backward

Lynne McTaggart

One of the most basic assumptions about intention is that it operates according to a generally accepted sense of cause and effect: the cause must always precede the effect. If A causes B, then A must have happened first. This assumption reflects one of our deepest beliefs, that time is a one-way, forward-moving progression. This assumption is reinforced every moment of our ordinary lives. First we order our coffee, then the waitress delivers it to our table. First we order a book on Amazon, then it arrives in the mail.

Indeed, the most tangible evidence of time’s arrow is the physical evidence of our own aging; first we are born, then we grow old and die. Similarly, we believe that the consequence of our intentions can only occur in the future. What we do today cannot affect what happened yesterday.

Now research is finally catching up with more evidence that our present is constantly being affected by our future and that the strange effects of the quantum world occur in time as well.

Most physicists now agree with the remark made by the renowned physicist Carlo Rovelli, who works at the Aix-Marseille University: ‘At the most fundamental level we currently know of, there is little that resembles time as we experience it.’

To the brain, as I discussed in an earlier blog, Remembering the Future, there’s absolutely no difference between past and future – and there shouldn’t be any difference to us as well.

How can this be?  Dr Dean Radin, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences also tested the possibility that, under certain conditions, a future event can influence an earlier nervous-system response. He made ingenious use of a strange psychological phenomenon called the ‘Stroop effect’, named after its discoverer, psychologist John Ridley Stroop, originator of a landmark test in cognitive psychology.

The Stroop test uses a list of the names of colors (e.g. ‘green’) printed in different colored inks. Stroop found that when people are asked to read out the name of a color as quickly as possible, they take much longer if the name of the color does not match the color of the ink used (e.g. if the word ‘green’ is printed in red ink) than they do if the name and the color of the ink match (e.g. if the word ‘green’ is printed in green ink).

Psychologists believe that this phenomenon has to do with the difference in the time it takes the brain to process an image (the color itself), compared with the time it takes to process a word (the color name).

Swedish psychologist Holger Klintman devised a variation on the Stroop test. Volunteers were asked first to identify the color of a rectangle as quickly as they could, then asked whether a color name matched the color patch they had just been shown.

Radin created a modern version of Klintman’s method. His participants sat in front of a computer screen and identified the colors of rectangles that flashed up on the screen as quickly as possible by typing in their first letter. The image on the screen would then be replaced by the name of a color, and the volunteer would then have to type either ‘y’ (yes) to indicate that the name of the color matched the color of the rectangle or ‘n’ (no) to indicate a mismatch.

Then, after the participant had identified the color of the rectangle, he or she would also have to type in the first letter of the actual color of the letters of the color’s name. For instance, if the word ‘green’ flashed up but was colored blue, he or she would have to type in ‘b’.

In four studies of more than 5000 trials, all four showed a retro-causal effect.

Somehow, the time it took to carry out the second task was affecting the time it took to carry out the first one.

The implications are enormous. It suggests that our thoughts about something in the present can affect our past reaction times.

In fact, physicists no longer consider retro-causation inconsistent with the laws of the universe. More than 100 articles in the scientific literature propose ways in which laws of physics can account for time displacement.

This explanation was bolstered by a simple thought experiment carried out by physicist Caslav Brukner and Vlatko Vedral and at the University of Vienna.

Their experiment rested on a given in science about time: in the evolution of a particle, a measurement taken at a certain point will be utterly independent of a measurement taken later or earlier. measurements when taken at different times.

For their experiment, they concentrated on a photon they called ‘Alice’. The task now was to make theoretical calculations of Alice’s polarization at two points of time. If quantum waves behave like a wriggling skipping rope being shaken at one end, the direction in which the rope is pointed is called polarization.

First they calculated Alice’s polarization, then measured it moments later. When they had finished their calculations of Alice’s current position, they went back and measured her earlier polarization again. They discovered that, between two points of time, they got a different measurement of the first polarization the second time around. The very act of measuring Alice at a later time influenced and indeed changed how it was polarized earlier.

Observing had played an integral part in changing the state of the photon’s polarization. This may mean that every deliberate thought to change something in our present could also influence our past. The very act of intention, of making a change in the present, may also affect everything that has led to that moment.

This makes sense since subatomic particles exist in a state of potential until observed or thought about. If consciousness operates at the quantum frequency level, it would naturally reside outside space and time, and we would theoretically have access to information – ‘past’ and ‘future’. If humans are able to influence quantum events, they are also able to affect events or moments other than in the present.

The simple reality may be that our future and present are constantly meeting up with each other.

I’ve been working with my students on intentional ‘time travel’ for many years and I’ve found that it can heal many past and current issues.

As I’ve discovered, your brain is able to ‘hardwire’ your memory to change your response to what actually occurred in the past and also use this new version to heal past events that hold you back and design your future. The most important element is a sense of taking back (or displaying) your own power.

Although our understanding of the mechanism is still primitive, the experimental evidence of time reversal is fairly robust. We’re beginning to understand life as one giant, smeared-out here and now, and much of it – past, present and future – open to our influence at any moment.

But that hints at the most unsettling idea of all. Once constructed, a thought is lit forever.


While we’re talking about using the amazing extraordinary ‘time-travel’ intention tools you were born with, I’d like to announce some exciting news: the launch of my special 5 week foundation course Intention Essentials, which kicks off on October 2.

Unlike many courses on the internet today, Intention Essentials is LIVE, so that you can interact with me and other course members directly. You’ll enjoy a total of 10 hours of direct experience with me, be able to ask questions directly and give and get feedback at the meeting. Click here for more information.


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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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