Light makes the world go round

Lynne McTaggart

Why is an energetic footprint as we’re studying in water so important?
As you may know, one of my heroes is Fritz-Albert Popp, a German physicist, who first discovered that we also maintain a constant conversation with our environment in the form of a constant Morse code of light emissions.
Living systems, writes Popp, ‘not only exchange heat with the external world but also signals”, e.g., electromagnetic waves or matter. . . . Every chemical reaction takes place if, and only if, at least one of the reacting compounds is excited by a photon. . . This means that 1) without photons chemical reactions are not possible and 2) the distribution of photons regulates the chemical reactivity in non-living and living matter.”
In other words, light makes the world go round.
Popp has been studying these light emissions for many years at the International Institute of Biophysics, which has 15 groups of scientists from international centres all around the world.
He and his colleagues have uncovered many new findings since those early days. For instance, he’s discovered that the number of these emissions matches on both hands and the forehead, and that they seem to follow weekly and monthly rhythms, which may correspond to energy outside ourselves, such as from the sun.
Universal medicine
One of Popp’s most recent investigations concerns the change in light production after medical treatment. In one experiment, he and his colleagues applied medicated ointment to a spot on a patient’s right arm, and then measured the light emissions from the treated area as well as a number of untreated parts from all over the body.
Similarly, in a patient with psoriasis affecting both arms, Popp applied a standard treatment for psoriasis, shining a UV (Ultraviolet) lamp on both the psoriatic portion of one arm and a healthy portion for five minutes. Shortly afterward, Popp measured the photon emissions from both parts of the arm.
When taking these measurements, Popp and his colleagues used exacting equipment that can count the light emissions, photon by photon – and they discovered something remarkable. If the number of emissions in one part of the body increases or decreases, so do those in other parts of the body.
In his first experiment, Popp found a large change in the number of light emissions not only from where he’d applied the ointment, but also from distant parts of the body. Furthermore, the size of the changes correlated all over the body: even from those places where no ointment had been applied, Popp recorded the same increase in light emissions as from the spot where the medicine had been used.
In the case of the psoriatic patient and the UV light treatment, the emissions roughly quadrupled after using the light from both healthy and unhealthy regions of skin, regardless of whether or not they’d been exposed to the UV lamp.
An hour later, all parts of the body – treated and untreated, healthy and unhealthy – had reverted to identical light emissions, although the healthy regions of skin showed twice the amount of luminescence as the unhealthy regions. This may be because healthy skin doesn’t ‘need’ the light and so ‘gets rid’ of it, whereas the psoriatic regions did have a need for it and so retained it.
Light as global communication
Popp believes that he has uncovered a new communications channel within the body that uses light as a means of instantaneous, or ‘non-local’, signaling to the rest of the living organism. “These signals contain valuable information about the health state of [the body] as well as of therapeutical effects,” he says.
Popp’s research takes us one step closer to understanding the multi-channel method by which the body communicates with itself and with the rest of the universe. Parts of the body tell each other about the state of things with these tiny messages of light.
It also tells us why the tools of modern medicine often have such blunderbuss effects. Even if a therapy is intended for a specific location, this communications channel will cause it to have a global effect.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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