When more hearts got broken open

Lynne McTaggart

One of the most moving workshops I have given in recent times took place in Istanbul, where Dr. Salah Al-Rashed, the Deepak of the Middle East, invited me to join 90 people from 14 Arab countries, who were part of a 10-day cultural holiday.

My task was to join them at the end of their vacation to offer a two-day session on the healing power of The Power of Eight®.
In the class were people from the Gulf states – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman – but also present were people from Iran, Syria and even Palestine, all the states that have troubled relationships with Israel.
And among the audience, I was pleased to see, were several medical doctors (What Doctors Don’t Tell You is now in Arabic and distributed across the Gulf.)
Most of the class had never taken a lesson with me, or read any of my books before, but all of them had heard of me and my work.
For two days, I gave them some rudimentary lessons in intention, alone and in a group. We ran Power of Eight® groups and witnessed numerous healings. One woman, for instance, completely resolved the terrible pain in her neck on the spot.
Salah wants those Power of Eight® groups to carry on for a year, and for them to report back to our other groups on our forum (www.lynnemctaggart.com/forum). We may even have a section where people can write in their own language, and have it translated.
A group catharis
But the most powerful part of the workshop came in in the final segment, when I showed them a seven-minute video of our Middle Eastern Peace Intention Experiment from last November, when Muslims from eight Arab countries, an audience filled with Israeli Jews and my international audience via YouTube joined forces to send intention to lower violence in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Here’s that video, if you haven’t yet seen it: https://youtu.be/8Abvdw1NLo8
Most had not participated, but when they saw Jews sending love to Arabs, and people from both areas announcing, ‘You God is My God,’ most of my workshop members began to cry.
In fact, one woman told me she cried for two hours after seeing the film.
Ninety more hearts were broken open.
And just today, I heard from Tsipi Raz, the Israeli documentary maker, filmmaker of that seven-minute video, who had organized the Jewish audience in Israel.
She has received information independently from three different journalists, who recently reported in the press and on television that from December 2017, right after our Intention Experiment, levels of violence in the Old City of Jerusalem have fallen to unprecedented levels. In fact, they’ve reached the lowest levels of any time in three years.
“This is a fact that surprised everyone,” wrote Tsipi, “because the expectation was that the level of violence would increase especially after the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem.”
We are now collecting data on the violence from the Israeli Security Agency and will analyze these results.
Unlike most of my Peace Intention Experiments, this experiment was run for only 10 minutes on a single day. Nevertheless, maybe 10 minutes is all that’s needed.
“When you get this opportunity to not only ‘feel’ like a collective particle but to know on some level that you are one particle of trillions, it changes your perspective on yourself and others,” wrote one of our participants.
To solve a seemingly intractable political situation, the fastest and most effective way forward in a war zone may not be through the military, politics, diplomacy or even economic initiatives. All you may need are people coming together as a group and praying as one.
We will be carrying on the praying. I have several giant Intention Experiments planned for this autumn and winter, so stay tuned.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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