Besides the thoughts you send out to the world at every moment, you’re also the constant recipient of the intentions of others. This session aims to help you develop this receiving mechanism and your sixth sense in your dealings with other people so that you begin to pick up the hidden thoughts of others and use this knowledge to improve your relationships.
Carrying out tasks that engage other parts of the brain besides those involved in verbal ability enables you to notice more about the connections between things. This session and the practices and homework will help to train you to be sensitized to the intentional undercurrents of relationships and increase your own capacity for intuition. You will learn to cultivate your ability to tune into your sensory experience of the present moment and developing areas of awareness that lie beyond language.
In this session you will learn
Practices and homework: This session will include training and homework in noticing more detail, studying your own thinking processes, learning to see the unseen, strengthening your gut hunches, maintaining heightened perception and learning to see the whole.
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The Lightbulb, Studio 1.01, 1 Filament Walk, London SW18 4GQ
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