We come in peace. . .

Lynne McTaggart

Is anyone else out there staggered by the revelations that emerged from the recent Citizen Committee on Disclosure hearings, but even more staggered by the fact that the conventional press, in the main, are ignoring or belittling what has to be one of the biggest stories of all time?


Is anyone else out there staggered by the revelations that emerged from the recent Citizen Committee on Disclosure hearings, but even more staggered by the fact that the conventional press, in the main, are ignoring or belittling what has to be one of the biggest stories of all time?

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, the Citizen’s committee on Disclosure was a kind of alternative US Congress, held at the National Press Club in Washington. Six former senators and House members comprised a panel that heard testimony between April 29-May 3 from 40 international researchers and military and scientific witnesses about the fact that extra terrestrials have not only visited but actuall live among us.

The hearings have been treated primarily as a bit of a joke, covered with a gentle flippancy by publications like the good grey New York Times, Huffpost’s Weird News and the Atlantic Wire – that is, until well respected former Canadian Secretary of Defense Paul Hellyer stood up and said, on camera, that not only are we not alone, but two extra terrestrials have been working within the US government to coach America in the use of safer energy.

Hellyer claims that we haven’t heard about this before thanks to people like John D. Rockefeller, who encouraged the Times and other media for keeping a lid on this information, thus assuring that his oil business remain earth’s major energy source.

As Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell the committee spokesperson said, “It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence.” Mitchell said.

Hellyer wasn’t the only respectable person happy to put his name on the line. Testimony came from the likes of Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, original civilian investigator of the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, plus other physicists, aeronautical engineers, government officials, army personnel, doctors and pilots.

One of the most dramatic reports came from high ranking British Defense Department official and numerous retired Air Force sergeants who describe a 1980 sighting , which took place over three consecutive nights at the dual air base RAF Woodbridge and the US Air Force’s Bentwaters in the UK, characterized by Sgt John Burroughs as the ‘defining event in UFO history’.

I have not seen any technology that would even come close to replicating the technology that I observed that night,” he said in his testimony.“As a matter of fact if the United States had that kind of technology, you could probably cut your defense budget in half and not have to worry about a thing. I mean that would be the key to ‘Pax Americana,’ peace under American control.”

What comes across in this mountain of testimony is that, far from wishing to harm earthlings, ETs are trying their damnedest to protect us from ourselves. And considering the state we’re in right now, with wars carrying on in almost every continent, resources drying up, finances in tatters, we could use all the help we can get.

"The fact that some other civilizations are more advanced than we are may be humbling. But that could be a necessary step in our survival,” said Hellyer.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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