It’s now well established that changes in the earth’s geomagnetic fields (GMF), caused by the weather, the jostlings of the earth’s molten inner core and the wild and unpredictable changes of the sun’s activity exert powerful effects on our biology.
During times of lots of solar activity, when solar flares and corona mass ejections are hurled toward earth, heart attacks increase, epileptic seizures increase and admissions to psychiatric wards increase. We get energetically destabilized.
But how do these magnetic upsets affect us psychically?
Some of the most impressive studies of the relationship between GMFs and extrasensory perception have been carried out by California parapsychologist Stanley Krippner, one of the main investigators of dream extrasensory perception at the Maimonides Medical Center in New York City in the 1970s, where participants who had agreed to sleep in the laboratory would be wakened periodically and asked to recount their dreams as extensively as possible.
Krippner and his colleagues used this experimental protocol to test ESP, clairvoyance and precognition (having the perception of an event in advance of it happening).
In the ESP experiments, while the dreamer was sleeping, other participants in other rooms of the laboratory would concentrate on an image (usually a picture) while attempting to ‘transmit’ this image into the dreamer’s dream.
In the case of clairvoyance, an image would be selected and kept in a sealed envelope that evening. The dreamer would try to direct his dream to include the (unknown to him) image in the envelope.
For the precognition experiments, the dreamer would try to dream about a picture postcard that was to be selected the following day.
Krippner found that, on some days, his participants did better than on other days. Not only did certain psychological conditions create more favorable conditions for ESP, but certain physical conditions also influenced the outcome.
Lunar cycle, sunspot activity and changes in the GMF all appeared to affect the outcome of dreams. For instance, the dreamers were more accurate on nights of a full moon.
Michael Persinger, Canadian neuropsychologist at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, researched cases of telepathy or clairvoyance and discovered that these kinds of spontaneous types of experiences were more likely to occur when the earth’s geomagnetic activity was significantly calmer than on the previous or following days.
When Persinger and Krippner analyzed the greatest successes of their Maimonides dreamers, they discovered that their ‘high hits’ were significantly correlated with quiet days with few electrical storms and sunspots.
One of their star participants, Dr William Ervin, who’d participated for three consecutive weeks, achieved his best scores during times of geomagnetic quiet.
US physicists James Spottiswoode and Edwin May have analyzed nearly 3000 experiments, and found significant correlations between accurate telepathy and clairvoyance, and geomagnetism.
Precognitive dreams are particularly difficult to quantify in a laboratory setting or to compare against geomagnetic activity with any certainty, but interesting results concerned a psychic, Dr Alan Vaughan, who’d recorded his own dreams for a number of years, and compared them with future events to see if they accurately foretold the future.
Vaughan dreamed with great specificity and detail. He sent descriptions of 61 such dreams to Spottiswoode, who then examined the earth’s geomagnetic activity on the nights that Vaughan had dreamed his premonitions.
Spottiswoode also looked at GMF activity 10 days before and 10 days after. He discovered that the earth was significantly quieter on the days that Vaughan had had his important dreams.
In one instance, Vaughan had a dream with many disturbing episodes, including what appeared to be the murder of Robert Kennedy, who was campaigning for the US presidential nomination at the time. Vaughan wrote to Krippner with the information about the dream, which Krippner received on 4 June 1968.
Two days later, Kennedy was assassinated.
Krippner also tested the usual hypothesis that psychokinesis (mind over matter, or intention) is likely to occur on days when the sun is ‘noisy.’ Krippner met with Brazilian sensitive Amyr Amiden, known for his psychokinetic ability, and compared his activities with the local GMFs, measured with the aid of a magnetometer.
In one instance, two religious medallions appeared to drop to the floor from the ceiling. These sorts of strange occurrences usually preceded a blip in the earth’s geomagnetic calm.
The same did not occur after the event, suggesting that humans anticipate noises from the earth, and that such anticipatory ‘windows’ offer them more mind-over-mater power than usual.
After a series of such incidences, Krippner’s team examined the Geomagnetic Indices Bulletin for March 1994, and found that 15 March and 10 March were the most magnetically ‘disturbed’ days of the month.
Those were two of the days when Amiden performed the most feats. The day that Amiden was unusually calm and produced nothing much out of the ordinary was 20 March—also listed in the Indices Bulletin as magnetically the quietest day of the month.
All this suggests that we should keep careful note of the earth’s geomagnetic fields and only attempt to ‘tune in’ when the earth’s activity is favorable.
But more than that, ultimately it is difficult to consider our universe as anything other than a unified whole. We can only begin to take charge of our own destiny when we consider the Bond in its entirety, an intergalactic superorganism, completely interrelated.
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