I’ve been reading the surveys of the participants of our American Peace Intention Experiment, and it’s clear that, once again, something about praying in a group causes deep, possibly permanent psychological transformation in many participants and improvements that radiate out into their daily lives.
This ecstatic state seems to be so powerful that it opened the possibility of individual miracles: healed relationships, major life transformations, healed lives.
The experience appeared to carry on for a majority of my participants long after the experiment was over, as though they had been touched by something immensely profound.
Healed relationships
Nearly half of the thousands completing the survey reported
that they felt more peaceful than usual, and this feeling of peace most
affected their dealings with other people. Three-quarters of people noticed they were feeling more peaceful, or more compassionate, or even happier than usual, and 31 per cent more connected to others in their lives.
And this translated into changes in the relationships of half our participants.
But something even more fundamental in the ability to connect with people had been transformed in the participants, some opening of the heart that appeared to be indiscriminate and universal. Some 41 per cent claimed to feel more love for everyone with whom they came into contact, and a sixth said they were getting along more with strangers.
Some 70 per cent of our respondents found that their relationships had improved, and one-quarter said they were getting along better with people they normally dislike or argue with.
‘I have had an amazing turn around in my relationship with my teenage stepdaughter - it seems like we are both interacting with love as opposed to fear - miraculous! its been bad for 7 years!!!’
‘A true miracle happened. It is healing between all of us, my mothers and her daughters and even a smoother energy in the relationships as a whole in the family.’
‘My son seems much less stressed.’
‘My cousin, who had been estranged from my life, contacted me and opened up communication.’
‘The other members of the house hold are getting along better and our home feels calmer.’
‘I am easily talking to people I use to avoid.’
‘My father apologized to me for disowning me one and a half years ago’.
‘I was having a very difficult time with a new boss that was very concerning. The week after I did the intention experiment, things suddenly smoothed out unexpectedly. It's a night and day difference at work now.’
‘A better relationship with my wife who did not participate in the experiment herself.... SHE seems to me to be more open and less likely to become defensive.’
“The love frequency has opened up exponentially since participating in this event.’
The majority also reported extraordinary changes in themselves. Some 75 per cent have had major changes in their lives: a third are more in love with their lives – the grass is greener, the flowers smell better - 6 per cent are prompted to change their job or career, nearly a third are more tolerant of people not like them, and more than a quarter have been prompted to work for peace.
‘I seem more open and more confident to absolutely be myself and to honor others to be their true selves.’
‘I have more love for myself.’
I see something, read something, think something and then it appears!!!!
‘I'm taking a lot of inspired action towards my goals.’
‘I have since participated in Project Uplift, where I went by van to various gathering spots of homeless people to help serve hot meals and hand out toiletries, clothing, blankets, and pet food. I've never done anything like that before.’
‘The tension/pain in my back seems to be lessening, at times I realize there's very little discomfort.’
‘I am less negatively emotionally charged by the words and actions of the President of the United States.’
‘I feel more willing to stand up for what I believe in.’
‘The grief after my husband’s sudden and unexpected death that froze up in my body is now thawing / melting much more rapidly.’
‘The recent hip and neck problems I started feeling six months ago basically disappeared
‘It charged my spiritual battery.’
It may be that a large-scale Intention Experiment acts as a potent reminder of what we’re supposed to be. The feeling of perfect integration, symbolized by a giant circle of strangers all praying together, offers a feeling of perfect
global trust, that so rarely experienced sense that life truly loves us.
Were you part of the experiment?
Please take the time to fill out our survey and aid our vital scientific research into this extraordinary phenomenon: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FSS8BNF
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
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The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com
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