Recently the web portal ran a story about Roger Nelson and how his work is demonstrating that group consciousness has physical effects on the world during large-scale events.
In case you haven’t heard of his work, Roger, formerly of Princeton University’s PEAR project, is the architect of the Global Consciousness Project, which examines the effect of major world events on a series of random event generator (REG) machines, the modern-day electronic equivalent of a continuous coin-flipper, with a random output that ordinarily produces heads and tails each roughly 50 per cent of the time.
For his project, Dr. Nelson organized a centralized computer program, so that REGs located in 50 places around the globe could pour their continuous stream of random bits of data into one vast central hub through the Internet.
Recently the web portal ran a story about Roger Nelson and how his work is demonstrating that group consciousness has physical effects on the world during large-scale events.
In case you haven’t heard of his work, Roger, formerly of Princeton University’s PEAR project, is the architect of the Global Consciousness Project, which examines the effect of major world events on a series of random event generator (REG) machines, the modern-day electronic equivalent of a continuous coin-flipper, with a random output that ordinarily produces heads and tails each roughly 50 per cent of the time.
For his project, Dr. Nelson organized a centralized computer program, so that REGs located in 50 places around the globe could pour their continuous stream of random bits of data into one vast central hub through the Internet.
Since 1997, he has been comparing their output with events of great global emotional impact. Standardized methods and analysis revealed any demonstration of ‘order’ – a moment when the machine output displayed less randomness than usual – and whether the time that it had been generated corresponded with that of a major world event. Nelson and three independent analysts examine the data using a variety of statistical methods, so that any deviation from chance easily shows up.
Major world events
Over the decades, Nelson has compared the activities of his machines with hundreds of top news events: the death of the Princess of Wales; the millennium celebrations; the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr, and his wife; the twin towers’ tragedy on 9/11; the approval polls of President George W. Bush and President Obama; the invasion of Iraq and the deposing of Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Strong emotion, positive or negative – even to presidential decisions – seemed to produce order.
When Nelson analyzed data over many years, a pattern emerged. When people reacted with great joy or horror to a major event, the machines seemed to react as well. Furthermore, the degree of ‘order’ in the machine’s output seemed to match the emotional intensity of the event, particularly those that had been tragic: the greater the horror, the greater the order.
On 9/11, analyses showed that the greatest variance in the machines away from randomness took place that day out of any moment in 2001. The results also represented the largest daily average correlation in output between each machine than at any other time in the history of the project.
According to Nelson and three independent analysts an enormous increase in ‘order’ occurred during time frames relating to key moments in the drama (such as, shortly before the first tower was struck), which were likely to be the most intense periods of horror and disbelief.
As REGs are designed to control for electrical disturbances, natural electromagnetic fields or increased levels of mobile phone use, the two scientists were able to discard all those possibilities as potential causes.
The world had felt a collective shudder several hours before the first plane crash, and every REG machine had heard and duly recorded it.
In fact, the machines had reacted a few hours before the towers were hit, a kind of psychic signature, a giant unconscious psychokinetic effect created by 6 billion minds set to react in unified horror.
Group peace
In 2008, as you may remember, I ran my first Peace Intention Experiment for Sri Lanka over eight days. A straightforward analysis demonstrated a drop in injuries and deaths, and a time analysis also showed a substantial decrease in violence several months after our intention compared to the prior two years.
At the time I wanted some verification that this wasn’t all just coincidence, so I asked Roger to analyze the effect of our Sri Lanka Peace Intention Experiment on his REG machines.
Several analyses reveal that the REG machines were affected within just a 20-minute window of meditations during the eight days of our Peace Intention Experiment, and that these changes were similar to those that occurred during moments of mass meditation in areas attempting to lower violence.
But the effect was most striking during the actual 10 minutes of our experiment, when we were sending intention.
9/11 anniversary
Then in 2011, for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 we repeated an eight-day Intention Experiment, but this time targeted two provinces in southern Afghanistan.
In every regard, compared with the rest of the country, the Southwest – the target of our intention - recorded the largest decrease in figures compared to those over the year before in September, with nearly a 790 per cent decrease over the month before and a 29 per cent decrease for the year compared to 2010.
Again, I asked Roger to see if we had had any effect on the GCP’s network of REG machines during the eight days of our collective intention, just as he had done for our 2008 experiment.
Roger linked together the eight days of data to make a sequence that included all of output during all the 20-minute time periods of the eight days, paying particular attention to the 10-minute windows of actual intention each day. After the third day, he found a very steady trend – a general tendency for the outputs that accumulate during each second of the time period we were looking at to be similar.
As he wrote me, ‘Most of the deviations are negative” (the mean is less than the expected 100) – like tossing a coin and having it constantly come up tails.
When Roger strung together the deviations, the graph line went in a downward direction.
“A persistent or ‘steady’ trend reflects consistency,” Roger wrote me, “and that in turn suggests an effect that isn't just chance.”
Nevertheless, he cautioned us that the effect size was very small compared to inherent ‘noise’ – or chance data.
“Deviations which appear in our graphic displays are a combination of possible effects and ordinary random fluctuation,’ says Nelson. In other words, one single experiment like this one can’t be reliably interpreted on its own.
‘To gain useful perspective and greater statistical leverage,’ he continued, ‘it is valuable to look at other events with a similar nature.”
When he compared his results with those of the 2008 Peace Intention Experiment, he discovered virtually the same negative trend in the cumulative deviation graph.
“This similarity across the two experiments helps support an interpretation of the negative deviations shown in the current dataset as an effect linked to the Intention.”
A virtually identical effect has occurred when he’s run an REG machine during my workshops during times when I assemble my audience into small ‘Power of Eight®’ groups for intention.
“The implication is that we are not isolated from each other as seems to be the case, but linked in a subtle, unconscious and inaccessible way,” Roger said.
Within the cool and n
tral scientific language of Roger’s statistical reports lies an entirely new paradigm in the making.
To put it more simply, something is definitely happening here.
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