Dear friends,
This week I returned from speaking at Omega and the New York Open Center (both wonderful groups, I must say), and waiting for me was a complete analysis of the results of the two Clean Water Experiments we ran on June 13 and September 19 of this year with psychologist Dr. Gary Schwartz of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona.
The results are so breathtaking that I must share them with you here.
Mark Boccuzzi, our chief lab technician who actually runs the experiments, prepared four Petri dishes of ordinary tap water, labelled ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. He then took images of them with the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, developed by Russian physicist Konstantin Korotkov.
Photographing the light from water
The GDV makes use of state-of-the-art optics, digitized television matrices and a powerful computer to photograph the biophotons emissions, or light, emanating from living things.
Ordinarily, a living organism will dribble out the faintest pulse of photons, perceptible only to the most sensitive equipment in conditions of utter pitch black. As Korotkov has realized, a better way to capture this light is to stir up photons by ‘evoking’, or stimulating them into an excited state so that they shine millions of times more intensely than normal.
Korotkov’s equipment blends several techniques: photography, measurements of light intensity and computerized pattern recognition.
Like people, liquids glow
In the case of liquids, the GDV machine examines the emission activity on the surface of the liquid — that is, its ability to retain important information from other molecules.
The emission activity of liquids depends upon the presence of clusters of hydrogen atoms with a special ability to bond. It is this special property, Korotkov believes, that gives water its unique capacity to record and retain information.
Tests on liquids
Korotkov and his team have carried out a great deal of research on a great variety of biological liquids, showing that the GDV equipment is highly sensitive to changes in the chemical and physical contents of liquids — subtle changes that don’t show up in ordinary chemical analyses.
His equipment can detect tiny differences in between the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils with the identical chemical composition; between blood samples of healthy people and those patients suffering from cancer or heart disease; and even between oils extracted by different methods. He has also found statistically significant changes in water even when homeopathic remedies diluted 30 times were added to it.
Healing changes water
Since 2001 Dr. Korotkov has investigated the remote mental influence of a healer on water samples. Numerous experiments or his have demonstrated that mental influence results in statistically significant changes of the electrophotonic quality (the ‘glow’) of water.
In our experiment, we took this one stage further. We wanted to see if we could transform the glow of tap water to become more like that of mineral water.
Mineral water and tap water have very different looking GDV images.
Typically, bottled water (the image on the right) generates a larger inner ‘water drop’, or glowing area, and a much smaller and smoother outer ‘aura’ area than tap water (the image on the left).
The Clean Water Experiment protocol
In both our June and September experiments, after taking the GDV images, Mark Boccuzzi made an ordinary photograph of each dish and emailed the images to me. These water samples were then allowed to sit for five days in a secured location until the date of the experiment.
During that time, the water became stagnant; when Mark took GDV images shortly the experiments were carried out, both the controls and the targets showed increased ‘glowing’ around the water drop. At this stage, both images look identical.
Just before we were due to start June experiment, I took four pieces of paper with A, B, C, D written on them, and asked my youngest daughter Anya to select one randomly. My husband Bryan randomly chose the target for our September experiment.
In both instances, dish ‘C’ was chosen. The scientists were blinded to our target until after the experiment – which meant they didn’t know which dish we’d targeted. We uploaded dish C on our website, then asked our community, again from some 60 countries around the world, to send an intention to make the energy footprint of the sample water look more like the footprint of bottle water. During the intention, we showed our audience the photos above, and asked them to imagine the water’s footprint changing.
Here are the impressive results:
JUNE 13, 2009
The first photos show the first GDV photos, when the water was first poured. The second set of photos shows what the energy footprint looks like after the water is stagnated. The third set is after intention. All the photos on the right are of our target Petri dish. The ones on the left represent one of the three controls of each experiment.
As you can see, in the first two sets of photos, the images are very similar, particularly after stagnation. Nevertheless, after we sent intention to the targets, the target photos (the final photos on the right) show larger center water drops and smoother auras — much like the energy footprint of bottled water. The controls have smaller center water drops and more jagged outer auras.
A near identical situation occurred in our September 19 experiment. Once again, the GDV images looked very similar at first and also after stagnation. After intention, however, the water droplet in the center of our target dish (bottom photo on right) appears rounded, and the aura smoother:
SEPTEMBER 19, 2009
As Dr. Gary Schwartz concludes in his analysis, the results of both the June and September global intention Experiments show increased roundness and smoother auras, which are consistent with the ‘predicted effects of intention on reversing stagnation in water.
Furthermore, the fact that we were able to replicate our findings over the two experiments supports the use of the GVD technique as a means of measuring the energetic effects of stagnation and the use of intentions to create cleaner water.
So what does this all mean, in plain English? It means that we were apparently able to change the energy footprint of water to something more consistent with the energy of bottled water.
It is a first step toward using intention to clean up water.
It represents nothing less than a kind of alchemy. Dan Brown would be proud.
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