Register Today For Tomorrow’s Water Into Wine Experiment
Earlier this week I spoke at length to Dr. Gary Schwartz, the noted psychologist and director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health of the University of Arizona, our partner in this latest experiment. He and his lab technician Mark Boccuzzi (who is now thankfully fully recovered from swine flu) are standing by, with all systems ready for our WATER INTO WINE EXPERIMENT on Saturday, January 30, 2010, at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time.
They have sent me photos of two beaker of water (labeled ‘1 and 2’). Each has been set up and monitored since Tuesday with a pH sensor. The pH sensor will record the pH of the water.
PH sensors
The pH sensors continually monitor the pH of each water sample. As of Wednesday, our water samples had a pH of roughly 8, which is typical of sea water.
Each water sample also is also being continuously monitored with a thermister, a kind of electronic thermometer that continuously measures minute changes in temperature.
As Dr. Schwartz explained, pH changes as a function of temperature. So if intention changes the pH of our water sample, we want to determine if our intention also changed the water temperature as well — and by how much.
We’ve prepared two beakers, with one to act as our target and the other — which will have no intention sent to it — to act as our control. I have had a family member randomly choose one beaker as our target, which I will unveil to you during the experiment next Saturday.
However, the scientists will remain ‘blind’ to our target – that is, they won’t be be given any information about which sample we chosen – until AFTER the experimental results are calculated. That way, we ensure that the results are scientific.
Tomorrow I’ve reveal the actual intention we’re going to use.
Dr. Schwartz may also keep another computer running during the experiment, which has been programmed to calibrate any changes, such as whether any additional energies, amounting to ‘spirit’, are present during our intention. It will be an interesting test to see if we are aided in our endeavors by a ‘higher power’.
Why we’re doing this experiment
One of our readers wrote in the other day to say that this was a useless endeavor. Why not heal countries, end wars or famine?
However, what sets The Intention Experiment apart is that we are attempting to validate intention scientifically. That means we have to choose targets for which any change due to intention can be measured scientifically. And that requires using strict laboratory procedure to demonstrate that we’ve had an effect.
We are working toward all those big plans —hunger, pollution, war — but at the moment we are taking baby steps.
First LIVE Intention Experiment
Furthermore, this experiment, like our other Clean Water Experiments, is a trial run for experiments to begin on real bodies of water.
Many water beds around the world are polluted with too much industrial waste and are too acid. Other water bodies have disturbed ecosystems and so are now too alkaline. Being able to change pH is vital to cleaning up polluted water.
I am going to run the first Intention Experiment in a LIVE setting at Lake Biwa in Japan during World Water Day on March 22. This giant will feature, myself, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Eric Pearl and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, among many others.
That Lake is highly polluted. I am arranging to conduct FOUR Intention Experiments that day, some at the site and some remotedly, with scientists in several parts of America. So tomorrow’s outcome will give us some important clues about what we can and cannot do.
So get set to participate, but remember these steps:
1. REGISTER TODAY at if you haven’t already. Don’t wait until the time of the experiment or it might be difficult to get through the web traffic on the registration page.
2. ENLIST ALL YOUR LIKEMINDED FRIENDS to sign up, too. We want big numbers participating.
4. LOGIN EARLY at least a half hour before the experiment (or more) to avoid a logjam.
5. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS to the letter. After powering up, the pages will flip over automatically and you’ll read a description of the intention. The pages will then flip over again and you’ll be told to hold a particular intention for 10 minutes. Music will also play during that time. At the end of the 10 minutes, the page should flip over to signal that the Intention Experiment is over.
6. JOIN THE COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Click on the button there at the end of the experiment or go to Tell our community from 90 countries around the world how it was for you.
For full instructions, see:
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