Our planetary personalities

Lynne McTaggart

Do planetary fields really affect who we are or what happens to us on a daily basis?

Dr Michael Nitsche, of the Institute Z & S in Grosselfingen, Germany, once created an entire mathematical model which suggests that planets are continually vibrating through the heavens. At a conference on synergetics and complexity research held in Bavaria, he presented his theory that the weak fluctuations of gravity have an effect because the planets also have constant giant frequencies created by their orbits.

In a sense, the rotating planets are all giant oscillators (vibrating entities) that create huge vibrations throughout the cosmos. The vibrations of these gravitational fields lead to higher vibrations and higher harmonics in material structures, such as other planets and ‘open’—that is, constantly changing—biological systems, like us.

Nitsche has carried out a body of research showing that the fluctuations of the closest planets to earth—the moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—have an effect in forming the structure of human intelligence and the stability of psychological processes—and even the triggering of earthquakes.

‘A metaphor for this is the formation of waves through movements of the air over the ocean,’ says Nitsche. ‘The powerful masses of water on top of the deep ocean can be compared with the constant gravitational field of the earth. The small waves can be compared to the fluctuation of the planetary gravitational field.’

Nitsche hypothesizes that these planetary fluctuations have a lifelong effect on the structure and stability of the human brain, particularly during the period when the brain is first developing and synaptic connections are being formed—in other words, when a child is born.

Nitsche put his ideas to the test by examining 186 children and the positions of certain planets at the time of birth. Despite some variations, his results show a correlation: children with a higher intelligence were born during a time when the planets were more in harmony and stabilizing.

By the same token, when carrying out certain word tests with the children, Nitsche found an association between children unwilling to take risks and birth dates at a time when the major planets were particularly in harmony.

In other words, those born when the planets were in close accord seemed likewise to prefer accord in their lives. His model also suggests that psychological instabilities and crises are triggered by these planetary fluctuations.

American researcher Sara Ridgley has also carried out a fascinating study for her doctoral thesis in which she looked at whether industrial accidents have any particular relationship to the position of the planets at the time they took place.

To do this, she examined 1023 injured employees who had filed a worker’s compensation claim and were disabled for at least three months. She found that the victims tended to suffer accidental injuries significantly more frequently at those times of particular astrological configurations. Her results showed a high degree of statistical significance and included, for example, that when the sun was transiting its position at the time of a person’s birth—on his birthday, or three, six and nine months later—that individual tended to be more accident prone at that time.

Dr Jude U. Ohaeri, consultant psychiatrist at the Psychological Medicine Hospital in Safat, Kuwait, also found a correlation between certain planetary positions and relationships at birth in a group of schizophrenics. There is also evidence of an increased tendency for schizophrenics to be born at the time of the spring equinox in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

If all of this sounds like a form of astrology, according to Frank McGillion from the University of Southampton, there is a sound scientific explanation for all these findings. The electromagnetic fields and levels of light during the time of our births affect our levels of melatonin. Many of these factors, in turn, determine our subjective response to the effects of electromagnetic fields on our body and brain from all sources, including the planets, for the rest of our lives.

‘This could also predispose and/or cause an influence on our mood and other states of consciousness on a day-to-day basis,’ he wrote.

‘If there is a significant effect of certain planets on EM fields of a type and intensity known to influence the pineal gland, it’s just possible the positions of certain planets at the time of birth could—to a greater or lesser degree through the perinatal actions of melatonin—influence our development and behavior from the time of our birth as physicians–astrologers have claimed for millennia,’ McGillion says.

Perhaps life is not about our changing relation to the fixed stars, but our fixed relation to the always changing stars of our birth.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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