My intentions for 2014

Lynne McTaggart

Yesterday was my birthday, and amid the celebrations, that special day offered a unique opportunity to reflect on the past year and to set some intentions for the coming year.

Yesterday was my birthday, and amid the celebrations, that special day offered a unique opportunity to reflect on the past year and to set some intentions for the coming year.

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of you dear ones not only for your lovely wishes but also your fantastic support.  As you know we suffered a sustained attack on our magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You by two pharmaceutically-supported organizations.  For more than a year, they badgered our distributors and the stores that stock us, attempting to get us banned.  They placed negative stories in the press.  They reported virtually every single one of our advertisers to an advertising standards body.

Trolls flooded our FB and web pages, attempting to discredit everything we wrote,  to lower our websites’ standing and to interfere with our Google placement.

However, this attempt to take us down singularly failed – and that’s largely down to you.  Because of overwhelming public support, all the stores have stood firm in their willingness to stock us, the magazine is selling better than ever, and, to our delight, we won an International award (as voted by the people) for Health and Wellbeing Website of the Year. As I write, the magazine has been licensed to be published in nine countries besides the UK.

However, this is only the beginning of our journey.  My particular path is not about creating a successful publication for its own sake. The paid work I do has always grown out of my own grand passions – whether to discover better forms of healing than are offered by the orthodox model, to study the power of consciousness to heal the world or to understand the scientific basis for the seeming impossible (like distant healing or homeopathy). 

For me the act of informing as a writer is also an invitation to transform. And now my grand passion is to help, in whatever small way I can, to change the mindset that is destroying individual countries and indeed the entire world: the mindset of ‘I win-you lose’.

This is a tall order, but it is an intention I believe that we must all make right now. We stand at the crucial point in our evolution where we must make a choice. We are one of the most important generations in the history of humanity.  With all the calamities in our midst, our choices will affect our children’s children – and indeed the world for all time.

We can continue to operate against nature, and connect less and less with what we regard as other than ourselves. Or, we can embrace the opposite impulse, our natural drive to seek wholeness and connection.

The current world situation calls each of us to move beyond our own individual spiritual journeys and become spiritual activists.  The size of the contribution doesn’t matter, what matters is a willingness to join the revolution, a revolution within each of our hearts.

Toward that end, I intend to contribute by  

  • Shouting even louder about the failings of our pharmaceutically controlled health care system
  • Reaching out to doctors to attempt to ‘set medicine free’ from the drugs industry control
  • Bringing the message of The Bond to businesses, which are currently the most powerful and influential forces on the planet
  • Starting work on a new book, which I hope will be a major leap beyond what I wrote in The Field
  • Starting a quiet revolution of local activism, because all change will start with small groups working from the ground up.

Tell me your contribution to revolutionary change.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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