Even better vibrations

Lynne McTaggart

Even better vibrations

For all aspects of life, molecules have to speak to each other. If you’re excited, your adrenals pump out more adrenaline, which tells specific receptors to get your heart beating faster.

The standard theory about how this happens is that two molecules that match each other structurally exchange specific (chemical) information, which happens when they bump into each other, a bit like a key finding its own keyhole.

But if these occurrences are due to chance, then there’s very little statistical hope of their taking place, considering the universe of the cell.

Tennis balls in swimming pools

In the average cell, which contains one molecule of protein for every 10 thousand molecules of water, those molecules jostle around the cell like a handful of tennis balls floating about in a swimming pool. The theory can’t begin to account for the speed of the biological processes that create anger, joy, sadness or fear.

It was the Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch who first discovered what he called ‘mitogenetic radiation’ in onion roots in the 1920s. Gurwitsch postulated that an energy field, rather than chemicals alone, was probably responsible for cell communication, particularly about the structural formation of the body.

Although Gurwitsch’s work was largely theoretical, later researchers were able to show that a weak radiation from tissues does indeed stimulate cell growth in neighboring tissues of the same organism.

Other early studies of this phenomenon—now repeated by many scientists—were carried out in the 1940s by neuroanatomist Harold S. Burr at Yale University, who discovered electrical fields around all sorts of organisms—from molds to salamanders and frogs and humans. Changes in these electrical charges appeared to correlate with growth, sleep, regeneration, light, water, storms, even the development of cancer.

Current of injury

Orthopedist Robert O. Becker carried on this work with experiments published in the medical literature demonstrating a ‘current of injury’—where animals like salamanders with amputated limbs develop a change in electrical charge at the site of the stump, the voltage of which climbs until a new limb appears.

Many biologists and physicists since those days have advanced the idea that radiation and oscillating waves are responsible for sending chromosomal instructions around the body.

Perhaps the best known of them, Herbert Fröhlich, of the University of Liverpool and recipient of the prestigious Max Planck Medal, was one of the first to introduce the idea that some sort of collective vibration was responsible for getting proteins to cooperate with each other and carry out the instructions of DNA and cellular proteins.

Fröhlich even predicted that certain frequencies could be generated just beneath cell membranes by vibrations in these proteins.

Wave communication was supposedly the means by which the smaller activities of proteins—the work of amino acids, for instance—could be carried out, as it was a good way to synchronize activities between proteins and the system as a whole.

Sadly, most of this research has largely been ignored. Any notions of the use of radiation in cell communication were utterly swept aside in the middle of the 20th century by the discovery of hormones and the birth of biochemistry, which proposed that everything could be explained by those ‘chemical messengers’ and their reactions.

Only a few heretics had the temerity to challenge the prevailing view.

More than three decades ago, the late French biologist Jacques Benveniste discovered that each molecule has its own signature frequency, and that its receptor or molecule with the matching spectrum of features tunes into this frequency, much as your radio tunes into a specific station, even over vast distances, or one tuning fork causes another tuning fork to oscillate at the same frequency.

This, rather than accidental collisions, would better explain how to initiate a virtually instantaneous chain reaction in biochemistry.

The latest energy medicine

Some of the promising therapies available today fall under the umbrella term of ‘energy medicine’, and one of the most promising of all is SCENAR, a handheld device invented by the Russians during the space race to offer cosmonauts a way to tackle illness while in orbit.

Subsequently, the device began to get noticed for more earthbound applications and, while originally used to relieve pain, it’s now being applied for everything from gut problems to depression. In fact, it’s the device most responsible for healing the recent tendonitis in my knee.

The success of SCENAR, which is now being documented in medical studies, attests to one basic fact, which medicine is finally waking up to. At our essence, we are an energetic charge, and the path to healing may be a matter, most fundamentally, of getting us back on the right wavelength.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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