The problem with being early messengers of information is that nobody believes them until it’s too late. And these days, they’re not just ignored or even debated. They’re demonized, defriended, deplatformed, debanked, professionally disciplined and even publicly derided by politicians and the media.
That has never been more evident than with Covid-19. Even the scores of doctors who dared to suggest an alternative to government policy were castigated as “anti-vaxxers,” hauled before regulatory bodies or even banned from practicing medicine.
In the case of our own magazine, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, we did what journalists are supposed to do: unlike the British government, we actually did follow the science.
From early 2020 until the present, we have compared government propaganda to the growing science appearing in prestigious medical journals, showing evidence to the contrary.
At the same time, we have avoided the conspiracy theories floating around the dark web and just stuck to the studies as they were unfolding (and before they were often quickly suppressed).
From the beginning, we questioned the wisdom of locking down an entire society.
Recently, after analyzing 22 studies, researchers from Johns Hopkins University showed that lockdowns—with their devastating effect on education, businesses, the economy and personal lives—had, at best, a modest impact on Covid’s death rate.
In total, they estimated full lockdowns reduced the Covid death rate by about 3.2 percent.
Compare that to the devastating effect on businesses and the economy. Think of the 140,000 British children who never came back to school. The excess death rates—even among the under-30s—averaging around 25 percent, and not from Covid itself. The thousands in the UK who can’t get health care for other serious illnesses, including cancer, after being pushed to the bottom of the years’ long waiting list as a result of the Covid years.
Lockdowns were “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions,” concluded the 200-page report. Simply carrying out social distancing—but keeping shops, offices and schools open—would have done the same job.
We wrote that Covid wasn’t a random killer.
Only people with heart disease, breathing problems, kidney disease, obesity and cancer were likely to die from the virus, we concluded from the evidence—a statement now confirmed by a University of East Anglia review of 52 studies that looked at more than 100,000 patients.
We reported that there already were safe, tried and tested treatments for Covid.
We disclosed the regimes of many doctors, notably David Brownstein of Michigan, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, and the intensive care unit specialists who created the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, who have subsequently documented that they’d saved thousands of lives with simple and safe protocols that include a mix of a few tried and tested, well-tolerated drugs and supplements like intravenous vitamin C (see WDDTY Sept 2022).
We published serious misgivings about the safety of the Covid vaccines, which were rushed out in 10 months, when it usually takes 10 years to go through all the required safety studies, and the wisdom of experimenting on the entire world with novel mRNA technology that prevented its recipients from neither getting nor passing on Covid.
Sadly, we proved to be right again. According to the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Adverse Incident Reporting service, by the end of 2023, 1.6 million adverse effects had been reported in the UK, 75 percent of them serious (life-altering or life-threatening), plus 2,633 deaths.
And now we have full evidence of the fallout from the vaccine,
In America, health champion Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with biologist and chemist Dr Brian Hooker, to examine all studies (all published in major medical journals) of all current vaccines comparing outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, including those of the Covid vaccines.
This was a deep-dive undertaking because, believe it or not, vaccines are never tested in the usual way with drug studies – comparing someone who received the medication with someone who doesn’t. The argument from the CDC and other regulators is that it would be unethical to ‘withhold’ life-saving vaccines from both children and adult, particularly since any side effects are ‘one in a million.’ In both children and adults, side effects are only monitored for a few days.
Hooker has published 75 scientific papers, most famously a re-analysis of a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study showing an increase in autism in certain children receiving the MMR vaccine—evidence the CDC buried in its own study according to a CDC scientist turned whistleblower, William Thompson.
In just three years, the Covid vaccines caused 97 percent of all adverse side effects ever reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) since its inception in 1986.
As of 2023, that damage stood at 951,000 adverse events for all Covid vaccines taken in the US.
And virtually every study Kennedy and Hooker examined showed that the Covid vaccine increased the risk of cardiac diseases like myocarditis (up to 29 times greater), Bell’s palsy, shingles and hearing loss, among other adverse events, including death.
In fact, according to one major study comparing the risks and benefits of several vaccines, you are five times more likely to have a reaction to the Pfizer shot than to be protected from a serious reaction to Covid-19 itself (Vaccine, 2022; 40(40): 5798–5805).
And those are only the official figures. Only 5–10 percent of vaccine side effects are ever reported to government reporting systems in the UK and US.
Of course, Kennedy has attacked as an ‘anti-vaxxer,’ and worse. The truth is, as set out in his many letters to the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC, all he’s repeatedly asked for is for vaccines to be better tested, side effects better studied, any potential adverse reactions more honestly discussed, and parents allowed to make informed choices, before these shots are jabbed into the arms of every baby and small child in the land. And now, with Covid, every adult in the world.
Not an unreasonable request.
Back in the early 1990s, when WDDTY was still a newsletter, the Observer was one of many newspapers praising us for sounding “the alarm bells before they cause the stuff of national panic.”
Unfortunately, thanks to a media that prefers to parrot the official line rather than carry out their role to protect the public interest, this time our alarm bells got heard by only a select few: our readers and readers of our blogs.
Next time, may more people listen to, rather than try to shoot, the early messengers.
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