In 2007, my husband Bryan and I paid a visit to Liverpool as guests of Phil and Rosa Hughes. Phil, a homeopath, had asked me to speak in front of his group, but couldn’t afford to pay me my usual speaking fee. I told him that I’d do it for a barter: show us two diehard Beatles fans where John, Paul, George and Ringo first rocked, and I’ll throw in your conference keynote, essentially for free.
Rosa’s journey
During our a Magical Mystery Tour through Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields and the Cavern Club, we heard about Rosa’s journey after developing a golf-ball-sized tumor in one breast.
In 2007, my husband Bryan and I paid a visit to Liverpool as guests of Phil and Rosa Hughes. Phil, a homeopath, had asked me to speak in front of his group, but couldn’t afford to pay me my usual speaking fee. I told him that I’d do it for a barter: show us two diehard Beatles fans where John, Paul, George and Ringo first rocked, and I’ll throw in your conference keynote, essentially for free.
Rosa’s journey
During our a Magical Mystery Tour through Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields and the Cavern Club, we heard about Rosa’s journey after developing a golf-ball-sized tumor in one breast.
Doctors, of course, wanted to do a mastectomy and throw both chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the problem. Rosa, young mother of a six year old, refused. Nevertheless, she and Phil couldn’t afford any expensive alternative treatments on offer, such as heroic doses of intravenous vitamin C, so they began to search around to see what they might be able to do themselves.
Through our publication, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, they’d read about the cancer threat in household chemicals, so they decided to filter their water, throw out all the chemical products under their sink, and also clear their bathroom of all toxic toiletries and makeup, substituting eco alternatives. They’d also followed our suggestions for diets against cancer and good cancer-fighting supplements like vitamin C. Phil, meanwhile, administered homeopathic remedies specially prescribed for Rosa.
That was it. That was all they did.
Rosa’s tumor was shrinking fast at the time we met them - a situation that stunned her doctors. Now it has disappeared.
Homeopathy against cancer
Phil has gone on to treat dozens of people with cancer, using personalized homeopathy and the same clean-up-your-act protocol with such extraordinary results that my husband Bryan Hubbard was prompted to research the evidence that homeopathy successfully treats cancer, particularly as this is being used in India to excellent effect.
The results of his research will be published in the March edition of WDDTY.
According to the best study, a randomized placebo controlled trial, homeopathy was able to kill cancer cells in 40 per cent of cases, compared with controls. That is one of the better batting averages of any known treatment for cancer.
I tell you all this because this experience – and indeed any successful alternative treatment for cancer that seems counterintuitive – begs a more basic question.
What is cancer? Or, more fundamentally, what is illness?
Most materialists, the people who believe in standard science, believe in an objective world out there, populated with things that exist independently from each other, complete in themselves, with their own inviolate boundaries. We too are wholly separate, self-contained entities, according to this mindset – just one more well-designed machine.
Illness is regarded as something that just happens to us at random, much like a stealth bomber, taking us unawares in the night. Otherwise, in this deterministic view of things, it is the result of bad genes, a bad hand dealt at birth.
Participatory relationship
I don’t see it that way. I view illness the way I view everything in life, as a participatory democracy. As I wrote about in The Bond, this self we call ‘I’ is a dynamic entity that is constantly in relationship, both creator of and actor in the drama we see being played out in front of us. We are nothing more than the sum total of our relationship with our world – of the air we breathe, the food, we eat, the people we surround ourselves with, and, most important of all, the thoughts we hold.
Most of the latest evidence about alternative treatments like homeopathy can be understood by adopting a paradigm of the dynamic and energetic plasticity of the body as a maidservant of both the ‘outside’ world and ‘inside’ world – that is, consciousness.
Of course environmental agents and nutritional deficiencies play a major role in causing cancer, but the kinds of alternative treatments with the best batting average against cancer suggest a type of causal agent that is possibly more profound.
Cancer appears to be nothing less than a spiritual crisis. Many of the most forward-thinking practitioners in this field postulate that cancer is the physical manifestation of hopelessness. It is a person who has temporarily lost his way, lost his faith, lost the inherent belief that every day in every way, I am getting better.
It’s hardly surprising that cancer is the body eating away at itself. It is the biological equivalent of suicide.
The soul of cancer
Much has been written about the so-called ‘cancer personality’. For me, the heart of the matter is the cancer in your soul.
Rosa’s inciting incident with her cancer was the deep betrayal of a friend. This betrayal knocked her sideways, causing her to lose faith in the world. Luckily, Phil understood that he was not simply treating bodily symptoms, but a sickness of the heart. The homeopathy he prescribed didn’t simply treat her tumor. It treated her will to live.
Because illness is part of this dynamic exchange between ourselves and our world, it is not static, any more than our bodies or our experience are static. Illness is also a dynamic entity that can be reversed, when we clean up our food, our air, our water, our relationships, our thoughts, indeed our purpose on earth.
Furthermore, cancer is not a single entity. Every breast cancer, like every woman, is a manifestation of a unique crisis. It is your individual relationship with the world gone wrong.
Lothar Hirneise, the head of the German People Against Cancer, who helps thousands of people with cancer, is of the view is that cancer is a ‘red-alert’ signal - a physical demonstration that something is wrong with the cancer victim’s life, which must change immediately.
Nevertheless, the conventional approach is to look upon the tumor as the foreign invader and attempt to chop it out, so that the patient can resume life as he has always known it.
And that advice, to live life as you always have, is the most dangerous treatment of all.
Spiritual shift
After interviewing hundreds of survivors of end-stage cancer, Lothar found one major similarity threading through all of their clinical histories: a major mental or spiritual shift, after a great deal of emotional and spiritual stocktaking. Most such patients had undergone a great deal of spiritual work, usually with trained therapists, and most viewed their cancer as the factor in their lives most responsible for snapping them awake.
The most successful therapies today focus on the patient’s spirituality, rather than his physicality. They demonstrate that once you find the source of the emotional stress or trauma, the tumour will no longer be needed and will disappear, as it were, of its own free will.
Far from be
ing the enemy, cancer is the kind of friend we all need at one point or another, the kind with the courage to hold up a mirror to ourselves.
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