With just about a week to go before the historic American Peace Intention Experiment kicks off on September 30, GAIA TV, who have kindly sponsored the event, has prepared a little trailer. Here’s a taste of what you can expect. We’ll be sending intention for peace to the most violent place in America, but you’ll also be meeting many people from Power of Eight® groups who have experienced their own incredible effects from group intention, and you’ll have an opportunity, in this experiential webcast, of experiencing those effects for yourself.
Take a look here:
And if you haven’t signed up yet, please do so now. www.americanintentionexperiment.com
If you have signed up recently, you will be receiving a ‘thank you’ web page and/or response ‘thank you’. Then you’ll get a welcome letter from me with full instructions. If you signed up before September 19 and haven’t got a letter from us, please write to Laura: laura@wddty.co.uk
After your welcome letter, you’ll receive a few more reminder letters from me about dates. The American Peace Intention Experiment runs for six days from:
September 30-October 5, 2017
9 am Pacific time/12 noon Eastern/ 5 pm UK/6 pm European time
For other time zones, see: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html.
Each broadcast will be available for 24 hours (although you will experience the greatest effects by tuning in to the designated time period).
Just a few hours before each of the six days of the experiment, you’ll receive an email from GAIA, our sponsor, with the URL for the next day’s broadcast, which you’ll just need to click on at the designated time.
In order to ensure that everyone signed up is able to to access each day’s session and not have a broken-page experience, GAIA have informed us that they need to send out the URLs to you just a few hours prior to the appointed time each day.
So, check your emails every day from Sept 30-October 5, starting from three hours before the event is due to start in your time zone.
Share the video above with everyone you know and urge them to sign up:
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne!
The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com
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