A book without an ending

Lynne McTaggart

The Intention Experiment, voted a top Amazon 100 by readers and now a worldwide sensation, is the first book to provide all the scientific evidence about human intention.

It is also the first book to invite you, the reader, to take an active part in its original research.

The Intention Experiment

This book seeks to answer the most fundamental question left open by The Field: if we are connected, can our thoughts and intentions affect and change the world and things ‘out there’?

To find out, Lynne again carried out exhaustive investigations, including interviews with numerous physicists, and has collated the most impressive data yet on intention, or the power of thought.

Not only does she provide compelling evidence for intention, she also explains the very best techniques for achieving success with your intentions – and she invites the reader to participate in a series of web-based intention experiments that have now become the largest mind-over-matter studies ever undertaken.

Praise for The Intention Experiment

  • A must for everyone interested in advancing the creative abilities of his own consciousness. - Caroline Myss, author of Sacred Contracts and Entering the Castle
  • Lynne McTaggart has a dazzling genius for bringing together cutting edge research in the field of quantum physics in a stunningly direct and accessible way. - Brandon Bays, author of The Journey and Freedom Is
  • Lynne McTaggart enters into the mind of frontier scientists in ways that inform, illuminate and even dazzle those of us who need help charting a course through complex scientific research. The Intention Experiment leaves you with palpable excitement that we are about to cross the next threshold where the power of our deepest intentions will be reflected in the design of evolution itself. - James O’Dea, President, Institute of Noetic Sciences
  • Every now and then a person taps into the zeitgeist of an age, the evolutionary edge of human consciousness and understanding. The two books by Lynne McTaggart are such works. The Field and The Intention Experiment are seminal. Highly recommended work! - Barbara Marx Hubbard, President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution
  • A very important book for the aborning science within consciousness. - Amit Goswami, author of The Self-aware Universe
  • This brilliant, practical book distills the core message of the great wisdom traditions and weds it to modern science. - Joan Borysenko, co-author of Your Soul's Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance?

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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