When you wish upon a star: results of the Heal America Intention Experiments

Lynne McTaggart

For an entire year I’ve been patiently waiting for the months to pass in the hope that the Washington DC Metropolitan Police would have a little less to do after June and September of last year.

The reason for this audacious hope had to do with two Peace Intention Experiments we carried out last year  via fairly unusual means:  one of the largest radio shows in the US and then via one of the largest web TV news broadcasters.

For an entire year I’ve been patiently waiting for the months to pass in the hope that the Washington DC Metropolitan Police would have a little less to do after June and September of last year.

The reason for this audacious hope had to do with two Peace Intention Experiments we carried out last year  via fairly unusual means:  one of the largest radio shows in the US and then via one of the largest web TV news broadcasters.

As you may recall, I ran two Peace Intention Experiments, first in 2008 targeting Sri Lanka, and then on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, targeting the two most violent provinces in Afghanistan.  Both experiments showed stunning positive effects, with large decreases in deaths and injuries.

This time, we decided to target the central engine of the United States – Washington, D. C. – in a symbolic gesture to ‘heal America’.  As before, I recruited Dr. Gary Schwartz, a professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, and Dr. Roger Nelson, director of the Global Consciousness Project, to help design the experiment.

This time, we decided to move away from the methodology of most of our earlier experiments, which employed a central website for our participants to log into in order to participate, and try a live experience on the air.

With the first experiment on June 6, George Noory and his lovely team on Coast to Coast am were gracious enough to allow me to do a live Intention Experiment on live radio.  For anyone who doesn’t know C2C, it is one of America’s largest late night radio shows, attracting some 4 million listeners during its daily three-hour slot of 11 pm – 2 am Pacific US time.

At approximately 1:05 am Pacific time, I led the Coast to Coast audience through a five-minute meditation and intention, targeting the most violent neighbourhoods of Washington, D.C., mostly in Ward 1 (Columbia Heights, Adams Morgan, Mount Pleasant and Shaw were all mentioned in our intention) plus Capitol Hill and its surrounding areas (Ward 6).  Our intention was to lower violence and improve peace by at least 10 per cent.

Then, on September 21, I attempted the same experiment on Gaiam TV, once again only revealing the target when we were due to start, with the Gaiam team showing images of Washington D.C. behind me as I led the intention.

Then I sat back to wait – for an entire year.  The frustrating thing about a Peace Intention Experiment is that you have to wait months and months to allow events to unfold in order to find out whether your intention had an effect. And anything less than a long-term trend is meaningless.

Fortunately, the Washington Metropolitan Police painstakingly records every last crime of violence or property, so it’s been a relatively easy task to gather the data from the wards involved and compare the month-by-month violence data from 2012 with that of 2011.

The outcome turned out better than I’d hoped for such a short intention. After our June intention Ward 1 showed more volatility in the overall level of violent crime, but a lower rate overall than the previous year.  But it was Ward 1 that enjoyed the more extraordinary result.  Capitol Hill and its environs – the real focus of our intention -  experienced an immediate drop in violent crime after our June intention, with a massive 33 per cent long-term decrease in violent crime after our September intention, which carried on for months.

Combining the two, we saw a flattening of violence, compared to high spikes of the year before.  And, here’s the best part of it, the same trend was not present in property crime, which saw a gradual increase in both wards over two years.  Violence – the object of our intention – fell, but not crime in general.

When Dr. Nelson examined the 63 random event generators running for his Global Consciousness Project, he discovered that they had significantly moved off their random course just during the periods of intention, with odds against chance of more than 20 to one – another suggestion than our result was not simply coincidence.

Of course scientific results like these only become meaningful as anything other than coincidence when you repeat the same experiment over and over. Nevertheless, I was encouraged that we might be on the right track by one other demonstration of greater peace in the Capitol building itself.  The current Speaker of the House John Boehner and Minority Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are sworn enemies.  The very day after our Intention Experiment, Boehner was photographed giving Pelosi a hug and wishing her ‘congratulations’ on her 25 years of congressional service.

When you wish upon a star. . . 

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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