For many Americans, the greatest challenge the country faces is not foreign wars or the economy or even the forthcoming presidential election. It is finding a way to heal our nation’s deeply divided soul.
Last month, as you may remember, I had a unique opportunity to demonstrate, once again, a simple way that we might be able to achieve this.
For many years, I’ve witnessed that Peace Intention Experiments do far more than achieve whatever target we set, whether it is lowering violence or anything else.
The bigger story is that they appear to enable polarized communities to breach the divide, for enemies to express love for each other – for the heart to leap across the fence.
It happened in 2011, with the 10th anniversary of 9/11, when I invited both Americans, other Westerners and Arabs to come together to intend for peace in Afghanistan.
It happened with Arabs and Israelis in 2017, when both sides joined together to do an Intention Experiment for peace in Jerusalem.
It happened in 2021, when I had Republicans and Democrats (and other polarized peoples) join together to intend for a peaceful transfer of power during the American inauguration of Joe Biden, in the wake of the storming into the Capitol on January 6 of that year.
In every instance, former enemies expressed love for each other, called each other ‘brother’ and ‘sister,’ and even said, ‘Your God is my God.’
And now we saw good signs of it again.
On August 20, I spontaneously called an Intention Experiment to take the heat out of the presidential campaign. More than 2000 participants joined us on Zoom, on Youtube and also on Instagram and Facebook.
We held an intention for the American presidential and other elections ‘to proceed peacefully and with dignity, so that candidates focus on the political issues, and not resort to name-calling and other tactics that incite violence and division.’ We also asked for ‘peace and unity to prevail among the population.’
As always, after waiting several weeks I surveyed the thousands of people who took part to find out if anything had changed in their lives.
Of the hundreds who filled out the survey, the overwhelming message was more peace in their own lives and greater tolerance of people who think or act differently from them.
The vast majority of attendees (69%) felt ‘peaceful’ during the experiment, and this peace carried on. Dozens spoke of a greater feeling of connectedness to all, even those of a different political party, and a greater ability to listen without judgment.
Numerous of participants found that their reactions to other political parties dramatically changed:
‘I am able to see multiple sides of especially political issues even though I didn't have what I thought was a problem. Something has definitely shifted, and I feel even more tolerant and a solidarity even with the people and their point of view when I'm together with them, no matter which point of view. At a recent group meeting I said I couldn't take the ranting, but with total love and compassion, AND EVERYONE joined me for going for a hike in nature afterward. We've been meeting for three years weekly. Nothing like this ever happened before. We parted relaxed and happy.’
Others opened their hearts to listen to the other side:
‘I normally would not listen to a politician that is not my party but listen I did to podcast and interviews after the experiment and saw them with different eyes. My judgments were neutralized by seeing them compassionately.’
‘I am less triggered by other’s anger and division with the election process. I’ve been working on having compassion for political personalities I don’t agree with.’
‘I was willing to listen to a portion of the convention of the political party I normally wouldn't have.’
I'm able to see the world more objectively, see the bigger picture. I have more compassion for the other political party.'
‘I am not as fearful about the outcome of the Presidential election.’
I have more hope for the future of the country and feel that more people are becoming tired of the hate and negativity.’
This peace and love spilled over into their own lives, with many people remarking upon how much love and tolerance has filled their hearts.
‘There is warmth between me and everybody I talk to.’
‘I am more open, receptive, compassionate.’
‘I am more tolerant and more open to listening more.’
Some 39 % felt more love for their loved ones, but 41% felt more love for everyone they come into contact with, and 32 % are getting along better with people they normally dislike or argue with. Their peaceful hearts have had a mirror effect. As their attitudes radiated peace, the reaction of others changed:
‘I’ve noticed more peace, more smoothness with things just falling into place, less chaos, less stress, less obstinacy from kids. There’s been a lot more togetherness!’
‘The telephone calls with my adult children are more pleasant. Don't feel as if I'm walking on eggshells as often happens. The change is in me.’
‘I had a conversation with a sister who often misunderstands, takes things personally, and holds a grudge for months, and she got upset and hung up on me. Usually she would then not speak to me for months but she called me two days later and we had a nice conversation. This has never been the case in all our 70+ years!’
‘My husband and I enjoy more harmony in our day- to-day life at home.’
‘Either the “problematic” people like my boss or colleague vanished or they talked more friendly and normally to me instead of being angry or critical.’
And this healing happened physically, too. An extraordinary 58% of the participants reported experienced mental or physical improvements:
‘Within a few hours of the experiment, my far vision was dramatically improved and has remained so.’
‘I suffer from an anxiety disorder and PTSD. Since I have participated, I’ve not noticed ANY anxiety or trauma issues!!!’
‘My husband, David, who also participated, has feet and ankles that have been swollen for years and are now normal.’
‘My body moves more easily (I have a hip/leg issue).’
‘My mental health is different. I've always been loving and kind, understanding but now I feel like it is coming even more naturally and not just randomly; ALL THE TIME!’
I see this almost mystical rejuvenation in my participants in every single Intention Experiment I do, but what interests me now is how contagious this change of heart and mind can be.
Harvard University sociological Nicholas Christakis, who studies the ripple effect of social networks, recently discovered a phenomenon that spreads from person to person along any given network. If one person is kind or loving to someone else, it spreads three degrees down a social network. The actions of participants affected the future interactions of other people in their network.
“So if Tom is kind to Harry, Harry will be kind to Susan, Susan will be kind to Jane, and Jane will be kind to Peter,” writes Christakis.
Giving creates a contagion of giving, a network of love and generosity that carries on, even in the most hardened and polarized of hearts.
So let’s say that 2000 people participated in this experiment and they each know 150 people (an average number of our social contacts). If you count three degrees down a social network, this relatively small band of intenders could affect nearly 7 billion people – enough to light up the world.
Something about coming together in a secular prayer that we can all participate in without the divisions artificially created by separate creeds or political parties enables us to finally experience the oneness that is our common humanity.
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
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The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
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