Thinking in pictures

Lynne McTaggart

Michelle Dawson, a neuroscientist, maintains that people with autism gets a bad rap. Dawson knows from whence she speaks as she herself has autism.
Medicine looks upon autism as essentially a three-pronged impairment — in communicative, imaginative and social skills. In fact, three-quarters of people with autism are classed as mentally retarded.
Dawson’s line is that far from being retarded or impaired, ‘auties’ process stimuli differently – in fact, in a way that probably renders them open to information received beyond the five senses. In fact, they are far better than the rest of us at processing all sorts of things.
Generalized whole
Scientists believe that all of the rest of us ‘neurotypicals’ have an unconscious screening process – what they term latent inhibition – of constant stream of sensations and stimuli to which we are exposed every day to prevent sensory overload.
Most of us process and lump all the sensory data about a particular thing — into a generalized whole.
The forebrain sees a portion of something and, in a sense, ‘fills in’ the conceptual details to produce a whole. Hence why, when we see a familiar scene, or we’re concentrating on something, we become blind to the details of it.
People with autism, much like animals, learn to perceive their world differently – up close and in greater detail – and to observe hidden connections. This allows in the flow of all information, with greater attention to detail and subtle connection.
Rather than seeing an entire object, people with autism see what Temple Grandin, an animal trainer with a history of autism, terms a ‘slide show’ of the object, with“privileged access to lower levels of raw information”.
Instead of processing these raw data into a whole, persons with autism and animals attend to each tiny, separate piece of sound, sight and smell. This type of hyper-specificity develops extreme perception.
This is why children with autism are able to demonstrate extreme feats of memory or an extraordinary talent for discovering ‘hidden figures’ or patterns, such as shapes, within a complicated picture.
The central deficiency with autism was thought to be weak central ‘coherence’ – an ability to pull separate facts into a generalized whole. However, as the New Scientist article points out: ‘The flip side of an inability to see the wood for the trees is being very, very good at seeing the trees.’
The typical IQ test invariably renders an autistic person ‘mentally retarded’. However, Dawson’s studies showed that an autistic person’s IQ score depends on which kind of test is used. Those given another kind of IQ test, which places less emphasis on social knowledge, mostly hit ‘normal’.
Other studies demonstrate that people with autism have better musical pitch recognition, superior visuospatial skills and advantages in sentence comprehension. In fact, the evidence shows that people with autism use the visual side of their brain for processing most tasks. This accords with Grandin’s claim that she thinks in pictures, not words.
Visual learners
Not long ago, I read that, like auties, children with dyslexia have a different relationship between left and right hemispheres, making different and far greater use of visual information. This accords with what I’ve noticed about one of my daughters, who was initially diagnosed as mildly dyslexic.
Over time, I realized that she is not dyslexic in any sense. She simply processes in a highly visual way, and probably thinks largely in pictures, too. Over the years, she’s begun to use this to her advantage. She has an instinctive and pitch-perfect spatial relationship to the world, and she best understands things and concepts in concrete form: things in relation to other things.
What this all suggests to me is that we have to allow for major differences in the manner in which different people see the world and process what they see. Perhaps children with autism can be reached more easily and children with dyslexia learn more easily if we stop insisting that there is only one right way to think.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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8 comments on “Thinking in pictures”

  1. Kudos to Ms. Dawson and to your daughter, Lynne. In Neurotypical Land ,where trauma collections are unconsciously misperceived, where standardized erroneousness is praised and where clear seeing is perceived as treason -ignorance not only isn't bliss, it's actually getting kind of boring. If sanity is in part at least the degree to which one knows when one is imagining and knows when not, then a society of neurotypicals would have to be judged as tottering on the edge. If people were taught to relaxedly relate to the flows of information within and around them they would probably start to dissolve the obstacles and discomforts which make open data sourcing seem initially daunting for those whose upbringing has predisposed them to unconsciously inhibit this mode of thinking. Planet earth is beautiful from outer space. With a little reorientation we might be able to clean up some of the accidents we create while wandering around in the dark night of our souls. A 21st century version of Plato's cave might be us scrambling around on the floor in the dark between the seats trying to pick up a spilled bag of popcorn and miss the movie. See you in the ticket line.

  2. dear lynn,
    all IQ tests are made by average people (for average people) ---
    who has no idea what is psychometrics, cognitive psychology, contextualism, inductive reasoning , spatial / holistic awareness , adaptation, perception etc---
    --for we live in a Newtonian world who rewards left brain lobe users .
    If Albert Einstein, Gary Kasparov, Leonardo Da Vinci and the legendary James Bond 007 , were put in a room full of obstacles and told --
    -- if they cant get out out the room using their IQ and wits in 60 seconds -- they will DIE--
    -- we all know who will get out in a jiffy and who are the three who will wrings their hands and cry.
    Intelligence is NOT a single ability--- but an effective drawing together of many abilities.

  3. A contribution to the discussion on how Homeopathy and Acupuncture may work?
    An important mechanism in Homeopathy and Acupuncture and its importance and implications in Veterinary medicine
    Are Thoresen DVM, Gisleröd Gaard, Tinghaugveien 435, N-3175 Ramnes, Norway.
    My background is that I am educated as a homeopath, an osteopath, an acupuncturist and as a veterinarian, and have had my own clinic for both humans and animals since 1981. I am a strict believer in the great possibilities of these alternative modalities, and I have treated patients with combinations of acupuncture, homeopathy and herbs about 150000 times.
    Most Acupuncturists and Homeopaths agree that homeopathy and acupuncture work through information and regulation to/of the somatic processes. Acupuncture and homeopathy stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of the body. Many other medicines do not do that, for example penicillin works by its own antibacterial actions that can inhibit or kill bacteria within the body as well as in-vitro (outside the body). This is not the case with acupuncture and homeopathy. To be of therapeutic value, they must modulate the body’s homeostatic processes, i.e. they must target the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
    The mechanism of action: How acupuncture and homeopathy work (how they stimulate the body’s self-healing processes) has been debated in depth through the years. Many mechanisms have been suggested. Some of these have been identified, especially in research on acupuncture. Regardless of what mechanisms have been suggested, the end result is always that the body’s self-healing mechanisms must be activated.
    Some worrying observations: During the years I have observed some paradoxical anomalies between my clinical results and those of others, as I am sure you have also. Those that have bothered me are discussed below.
    Paradoxical observations in acupuncture:
    1. Most veterinary acupuncturists, who use AP or gold implants at the acupoints, find them to be most successful and effective to treat canine hip dysplasia (HD). Clinical experience from several colleagues, with overall success rates of 80-90%, supports this opinion. Recently, although they used slightly different methods of implantation, three independent uncontrolled retrospective clinical studies on the effectiveness of gold implants to treat canine HD in 218 dogs in Denmark (the late Jens Klitsgaard, 100 dogs), Norway (Are Thoresen, 50 dogs) and Germany (Erhard Schulze, 68 dogs) reported a clinical success rate of near 90%. However, the clinical response to gold bead implantation AP to treat canine HD was evaluated also in two double-blind studies. One was in Finland by Anna Hielm et al (1998) and the other was in the USA by Bebchuk et al (1998). Also there will shortly be publishes a third article by Gry Jäger (Oslo 2002). Anna Hielm gave me a summary of her article in Finnish. The dogs were treated in a double-blinded study; the owners did the evaluation. Both groups of dogs showed positive results but there was no difference between the two groups. Bebchuk's study was a communication from his university. He also treated the dogs in a double-blind study but the evaluation was objective; it used force-plates to measure the force exerted by the dogs on the treated limbs. Neither group of dogs improved, and there was no difference between the two groups. The dogs in the treatment group tended to get worse. Gry Jäger’s article will conclude (as reported at the IVAS Congress in Spietz) that there was a positive and statistical difference between the two groups, but much less that one may expect according to the results reported by Klitsgaard, Schulze and Thoresen. All three studies show the same result: gold-implantation in the hip area had little or no positive effect on the dogs and some dogs in Bebchuck's study even got worse! So we see that a very successful therapy in the clinic is almost without effect in a double-blind trial.
    2. A good friend and colleague in Norway has had good results in his acupuncture therapy in recent years,. He then hired helpers, colleagues and animal-caretakers, who did not believe in acupuncture. After two years he told me; “Are, I do not understand what is happening, acupuncture does not seem to work for me any more”.
    3. A colleague in the US said the following: ”Twenty-five years ago I had great results treating just GB29, 30, and BL54 in canine hip dysplasia. If I treat just these points today, I would see very little improvement in my patients. I agree that focus and mindset is a major part in one’s treatment protocol and point selection. In the treatment of hip dysplasia, you (i.e. Are) place a much higher degree of power on the use of Liv 3 than I do; therefore Liv 3 works for you but not for me. I treat many conditions for which I use only one needle, or implant only one point, but my focus is different from when I am treating hip dysplasia. We are getting back to focus and intent, the two most important factors in acupuncture. A German colleague answered to this: ”Some years ago I had to open the Du Mai with Gb 41 first in about 80% of my horse patients. Today it happens about once a week. Who changed? The horses or I?”
    Paradoxical observations in homeopathy:
    1. Beneviste’s investigations showed that the results differed when he made the trials alone versus in the presence of sceptics. He suggested that the presence of the critical persons „zeroed“ the results of the investigations.
    2. Later, Professor Kröplin at the University of Stuttgart showed clearly that mood-changes of the scientists changed the results in sensitive crystallisation by such a degree (up to 47%) that the claims of Beneviste no longer seem so far-fetched. (Kröplin 2001).
    3. Many investigations showed that homeopathy works sometimes, and sometimes not (Coulter 1980, Linde 1997, Vaarst 1996). Also many homeopathic studies show that results are very good in the clinic but are bad in double-blinded trials.
    Paradoxical observations in biodynamic agriculture:
    1. Biodynamic agriculture uses homeopathic substances called the „Remedies“. As in homeopathy, Biodynamic agriculture has given paradoxical results in practical situations; some people have had good results but others not. Many farmers report good results but controlled trials have shown little or no effect.
    2. In farming I have often heard that methods or remedies that clearly work in the field, totally lose their effect when submitted to double-blind investigations.
    Paradoxical observations in other areas of science:
    1. Viktor Schauberger, between the first and the second world wars, conducted many interesting trials and studies in Austria on the peculiarities of water. His results amazed many scientists, and even Hitler ordered him to work for his war-machine. Later, it emerged that it was almost impossible to replicate Schauberger’s results but few have suggested that he was cheating.
    2. Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose, one of the most famous scientists in India, showed with his self-constructed machines that plants and metals had a soul-life of their own. The problem was that nobody could replicate his results. My interpretation of his trials is that his own psyche (intention) was so strong that it influenced his results.
    3. Professor Kröplin from Stuttgart has shown that the patterns of crystallisations and the forms of drops falling into water was up to 48% influenced by the emotions of the scientists. This would explain the results of many great ”alternative” scientists, such as Shauberger, Bose and even Steiner.
    4. Quantum-physics also indicates that the observer influences the observed results; the scientists influence the outcome from a given experimental protocol, and the variation between their results is unexplained. Many quantum-physicists accept this today; however, Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainly-equation may explain the differences practically and theoretically. Here is a quote from “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra: “In modern physics, the question of consciousness has arisen in connection with the observation of atomic phenomena can only be understood as links in a chain of processes, the end of which lies in the consciousness of the human observer”. In the words of Eugene Wigner: “It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum theory in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Wigner and others have argued that the explicit inclusion of human consciousness may be an essential aspect of future theories of matter.
    5. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, expressed the same in the last edition of his great book “Organon der Heilkunst”. In § 265 he say; ” …. It is very important to give the patient the right remedy, to have made and prepared the remedy yourself, and to give it to the patient from your own hands. This is very important and fundamental.”
    These concepts all indicate that the qualities of the therapist may influence the outcome of a treatment or experiment, as modern quantum physics has suggested. Many serious AP books from China expressed this opinion, for example:
    • Chapter 26 of the Suwen: "... That which differentiates craftsmen is [to observe] what is not manifested to be observed externally and that all [others] cannot observe. Therefore observing that which is obscure means seeing that which has no form and tasting that which has no flavour. This [capacity] seems to be divine".
    • Scheid & Bensky: In pre-Han China, yì (intention) was considered a pre-requisite of the knowledge and understanding required for and derived from the divination practices based on the I-jing. "Yì is what the sages used to search profundity and study the all encompassing. As it is profound, it can penetrate throughout the purpose of the subcelestial realm. As it is all encompassing, it can penetrate throughout the affairs of the subcelestial realm. As it is divine, it is fast but never hurries; it arrives but never travels".
    • Zhenjiu Dacheng: "The importance of AP lies in concentration of the mind"
    • Guo Yuzhi: "needling ability rests with whether [acupuncturist] can focus his attention on the heart and hand during the needling".
    • Xu Yinzong: "Medicine is Yì (intention); it is in one's thoughts and deliberations.
    1. The conclusion, that the qualities of the therapist, especially Yì (intention), may influence the outcome of a treatment may explain why homeopaths and doctors disagree, and never will agree. If the therapist’s intent, formed by years of study and clinical conviction, really is the most important aspect of clinical medicine, it may explain very well why scientists and doctors (who rely on dispassionate randomised controlled trials for evidence of clinical efficiency) disagree with homeopaths and acupuncturists about the reality of their clinical results. Double-blinded studies cannot allow for the influence of Yì (intention), and must show little difference between the treated and control groups than in a clinical situation where focused positive intent is present.
    2. As veterinarians, when we treat animals, we must pay much more attention to our own Yì, and to the psyche of our patients.
    3. We must abandon double-blind trials in all investigations on therapies that involve the self-healing properties of the body
    4. We must realise that the results of “great spirits”, like the people mentioned above (and also Rudolf Steiner), cannot be duplicated, and may even have been the results of their intention and belief.
    Animal diagnosis and therapy via the human energetic system versus via their own energetic system.
    Mythical beginnings
    Rudolf Steiner created the theory behind and the myths related to the evolution of Anthroposophical medicine. I share without doubt his idea on the effect of the relationship between humans and animals and the importance of the human will and intent in these interactions.
    According to Steiner, treatment of disease dates far back into prehistoric times. According to myth, Atlantis, a prehistoric continent, had sunk into the sea and humans had to work with the more condensed materialistic world. (Although Plato mentioned it, there is no historical evidence of this mythical continent). At that time strange life forms, mixtures of human and animal, were said to be present. These forms had evolved as a result of a great misuse of life forces by black magic, which finally caused the destruction of Atlantis. Today, we have a pale memory of these forms in the concept of the Centaur.
    According to clairvoyants of this century, for example Edgar Cayce (American psychic and a man who claimed to be able to see both back and forward in time), initiates at the beginning of historic time felt responsible for these creatures, created by the former misuse of black magic. This was especially so in ancient Egypt. Using powerful etheric forces, which the initiates were able to use, they divided the animal-human hybrids into the animal-like and the human-like. Thus, human souls, in human form, could work themselves back to human consciousness.
    However, as a consequence of and in contrast to this, the domestic animals of today arose. These were formed as two groups: those with hooves and those with cloven hooves. This division was widely known in folk medicine up to 1800, which can be seen in the fact that up to this time health advice was separate for horses, humans and cows. Thus, in esoteric theory (especially Steiner's theory), our domestic animals have a dual origin from the human entity.
    For the first type of animal origin, all the animal kingdom has emerged from the human development as described by Dr. Hermann Poppelbaum (a student of Rudolf Steiner). In his book "Animal and Man", he says: "When you look at the tree of human evolution, it shows how human development is the trunk from which all the other forms spring. The lower, higher and highest forms of animals have sprouted as branches, always at higher places from the upwards striving human trunk".
    The second type of animal origin was from the deformed human-animal hybrids previously described. In the splitting of the human-like and the animal-like, they sacrificed themselves (or humans sacrificed them) for human misdeeds. In the service of humanity, this sacrifice continues today.
    We shall see later how the evolution that took place especially in ancient Egypt repeats itself in a similar way today. From the solutions of the Egyptian initiates, we can find new ways of treating our animals. However, in our hands, we have the power to destroy as well as to heal. We can misuse our powers; such misuse of power is said to have caused Atlantis to sink into the sea. The destructive force was the misuse of etheric forces for the sake of egoistic purposes. This was especially in manipulating life forms, which were put into human service against their will. This is seen clearly today in genetic manipulation of plants and animals.
    Magical healing rites
    Advice on how to treat animals by magical rites and spells was common.
    • For example, to cure a cow with mastitis, the farmer was asked to draw a little milk from every other cow and put the milk in the middle of a circle made by hot glowing coals. From here, the milk would trickle into a mixture of sulphur and carbon from burnt wood (ashes) (advice from Martin Luther, 1483-1546).
    • We also find advice to cure haemorrhage in verses as: "Blood be standing in the vessel, as Christ was carried on the cross. Blood be in the wound, as Christ was nailed on the cross".
    • For eye disorders in horses: "if a horse has pain in the eye take then a little honey mixed with some butter and stir with some free white copper smoke (sulphur + zinc oxide) and rub in the eye (advice from Ole Hodtvet 1796).
    The "Sixth Sense" is just another sense; is most important for survival in harsh, unpredictable and dangerous environments, such as in jungles, mountains or open plains. During evolution from prehistoric to modern times, "civilised man" has lost many instincts and innate survival skills; urban dwellers and hunter-gatherers need and have different emphasis on these innate abilities. The instincts and survival skills of so-called indigenous peoples (jungle people in Borneo, North- and South American Indians, Esquimos, Australian aborigines, etc), who must live in very close harmony with nature, contrast sharply with those of urban dwellers.
    Human magical rites have lost much of their power in "civilised" society. We have lost most of the esoteric knowledge of the difference between the evolution of human and animal types, karma and etheric structure. Few people in modern society have, or even know of, the skills and powers to work directly with human and animal etheric structure. The rediscovery of homeopathy by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a very important first step to regain the ability to work with the etheric structure of humans, animals and plants. However, even Hahnemann did not appreciate the esoteric knowledge of human-animal differences, or the power of human magical rites. This knowledge still remains alive in shamanistic traditions and practices.
    Dawn of scientific materialism
    The more rational folk medicine expelled magical advice from its repertoire. As folk medicine evolved, botany, pharmacy and medicine slowly emerged as a unity out of the magical and mythical forms. However, as the Age of Enlightenment proceeded, medicines for similar disorders in humans and animals became more and more alike, until they became identical. Similar symptoms in all species are supposed to have the same causes and, today, usually are treated with the same medicines and therapies.
    The Age of Enlightenment continues as modern medicine, agriculture and animal breeding develop. But what is happening as we go down the road of this scientific, profit oriented, intensive animal and agriculture system? Our animals are being drained of their etheric forces. Their original forms are being destroyed. The old harmonic proportions, which our animals had and which stood in direct communication with the macrocosmic world, are being lost. Powerful drugs, such as growth promoters, beta agonists, synthetic hormones, antibiotics and steroids allow greedy producers to force unnatural levels of production and further drain the animals' Qi. Also, intensive methods of animal production, and unnatural feeding practices (such as urea, fat and high levels of concentrate feed, etc) have greatly increased stress-related, digestive and metabolic diseases. The latest effects of unnatural feeding methods are bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and its human form - new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD) - due to the feeding of recycled animal waste as infected meat and bonemeal. That disease threatens to destroy the multi-billion dollar beef trade in Europe.
    Return to compassionate ways
    Now more than ever before, we need a total reform of animal husbandry, management, breeding and veterinary therapy. Here, as in also other areas, Anthroposophy may point to an answer. Already in the name of Anthroposophical veterinary medicine we are beginning to feel the possibilities of renewal. We are working toward a humane veterinary medicine, where humans become conscious of their responsibility for these unhappy forms (the animals) and offer their own human etheric forces or structure as a sacrifice. We also can carry on our shoulders responsibility for ourselves and the development of the earth to its fulfilment (karma). In particular, we need to influence our Governments to rethink their attitudes towards the free movement of animals and animal products across national borders from countries in which highly contagious diseases like Foot and Mouth disease and Swine Fever are endemic.
    Like so-called "primitive peoples", we can work to return to more natural ways of living, in which we show essential respect for our natural environment and embrace all of creation in a universal love. We, who work closely with domestic animals, can work into the etheric structures of the animals in the same way as the old Egyptian initiates, who worked formally, directly and helpfully into the etheric animal forms. By sacrificing our own structure, our own etheric process, to the healing process of the animals, we can make atonement for human misuse of animals in the past and say "thank you" to them for their patient and faithful service to humanity.
    Many healers do this subconsciously all of the time. It is possible because animals have the memory of a human etheric structure within themselves from the common development of all mammals. Thus, in the domestic animals (and of course in the wild ones also), one can find the corresponding Channels and the working of the corresponding human homeopathic remedies.
    Two (at least) energy systems in animals
    The human etheric system occurs in animals in addition to their own etheric structure. This is the energetic system that we usually have used, probably because of our attempts to transpose the theory and principles of human AP / TCM, including Five Phase Theory, the Channel pathways and their acupoints to animals. Thus, two different medical systems can be applied to domestic animals.
    We can see this most easily in equine energetics. Transposition of the human Channel system is used widely in horses. Apart from having no physical gallbladder, horses have a GB Channel, similar in many ways to that in humans. But we may also consider the equine energetic system as unique in its own right. It is at one with itself, a completely balanced system: the substantial (material) horse is an expression of the etheric (immaterial) horse. As Goethe said, "the material is the secret revelation of the invisible". In that idea, we find an up to now unknown system of etheric energy. By looking at horses in this way, especially the distal limbs, we find that human etheric analogues do not apply directly to horses. This is easily seen in regards to the locations of the Command Points. The reality of these differences has been shown previously by the author, for example in his work on the equine Ting Points.
    Although both systems work, by treating horses according to the theory of Goethe, I find AP points that are more effective than points transposed directly from human AP concepts. This shows that animals have more than one energy system. This theory also applies to humans, both in Tibetan medicine and in European esoteric traditions concerning the presence of a "doppelganger" (the personal double). This is a double in the human body that calls on the nervous system to function as its working instrument. Thus, the nervous system, the blood system and the etheric system are not identical.
    When treating animals directly, we may use both etheric systems (human and animal), although the animal system is the more effective. But by treating via the human etheric system we must use the human-animal system. Into this last system we can sacrifice our own etheric forces. How is this possible? We have seen that human etheric forces are in continuous and direct contact with human surroundings and other etheric forces. This communication is not random or by chance. As a key fits a lock, it is possible to work therapeutically only with similar etheric forces, ones with a structural congruence or empathy, a similar feeling, or those in direct communication.
    We often see that etheric weaknesses in the owner manifest in the animal attached to him or her. This is easy to see in regards to temperament shared by the dog owner and the dog. But this communication applies to all animals - cows, horses, sheep, pigs and their keepers. A nervous, irritable owner often has nervous, irritable animals.
    Use of etheric concepts in diagnosis and therapy of animals
    Now we are at the kernel of this article: techniques of using the human etheric system to treat animals. We can regard animal and human disease as an etheric or energetic imbalance. This Qi Process Imbalance can manifest in physical symptoms. The cause of the Qi Imbalance can vary from time to time and from case to case. It can have nutritional, parasitic, toxic, allergic or immune-mediated causes. Other causes include atmospheric, climatic, geographic, constitutional and managemental (human-induced) causes, as mentioned already. In practice one finds many causes from all of these groups operating together.
    To prevent further disease it is important to recognise and remove (or alleviate) these causes. However, a more direct therapy is necessary as a first aid veterinary treatment. This may involve direct etheric intervention but, first, we need an etheric diagnosis on the animal.
    Etheric diagnosis
    On the basis of etheric intercommunication, special diagnostic methods are used. Etheric diagnosis is discussed in separate articles. There are many different methods. One method relates closely with diagnostic crystalline precipitation patterns or metal blots formed by the combination of silver nitrate and copper chloride salts with specimens of body fluid (blood, saliva, urine, etc.), as used in Anthroposophical medicine.
    Etheric treatment
    With one exception, any healthy human can give etheric treatment. The exception is the person who is the cause of the disease, if we have found this to be the case. The therapeutic approach is to strengthen the same Processes in the treating human that are Weak in the animal, i.e. if the animal has a Weakest Process in SP, tonify SP Process in the therapist. When this is done the therapist spends a few minutes in contact with the animal, with a conscious, loving intention to heal. Then the necessary etheric forces can flow over from the human to the animal, or organise the etheric forces in the animal so that they balance themselves. During this therapy the therapist may feel certain exhaustion but this feeling soon vanishes when the therapy is over.
    Support therapy
    Anything that works energetically can be used as support therapy: homeopathy, AP, Anthroposophical medicine, reflex therapy, herbs and others.
    Clinical results
    I have tried etheric methods on several cases since 1985 with very good results. (See case reports). In my experience, the effect of this therapy far exceeds that of conventional therapy given impersonally (without compassion or a feeling of love) to the animal. I have found this to be true even in disorders such as arthritis, heart failure, traumatic indigestion, hormonal and other difficult disorders. In addition to its efficacy, I believe this method to be ethically correct. This type of diagnosis and therapy is possible not only between humans and animals but also between adults and children, humans and plants and between a human as microcosms and the whole macrocosm. Humans have a clear responsibility to Nature and Creation. We can and should use our powers in the healing processes in our companion creations, the animals.
    CASE 1: A 4-year old female cat had a 5 cm wound on the left foreleg. The wound had not healed for at least 6 months. It had been treated unsuccessfully with various ointments. Its owner, a 20 year old female, was told to place "Heilsalbe" (a complementary healing ointment from Weleda) on her own left arm in the area analogous with that of her cat. She applied the ointment, as directed, in the evening while the cat was in her lap. The cat became anxious and ran out into the night. The wound had closed when it returned in the morning.
    CASE 2: A 55 year old farmer presented a 5-year old cow with reticulitis, reticular pain, anorexia, ketonaemia and icterus. An acupoint in the farmer's ear showed reactivity when the farmer was placed in contact with the cow. A permanent needle was placed into this point in the farmer's ear. Very soon the farmer reported heavy pain in his stomach. Within a day or so the cow began eating. The icterus and ketonaemia gradually disappeared. After three weeks, the farmer slaughtered the cow for human consumption. After slaughtering the cow, the farmer's stomach pains subsided.
    CASE 3: A 6-year old horse was presented with lameness of the left forelimb for three years. On Pulse Diagnosis, the horse had BL Deficiency (Weak Process in BL Channel). The owner, a physiotherapist, did not believe in AP at the time. However, when requested to remove his left shoe and place his hand on the horse's back he agreed in disbelief. Placing a needle for 20 minutes in his BL67 treated the owner. He reported that he was drained of energy at the end of treatment. After this treatment the horse became sound. The owner has since become a certified acupuncturist.
    One can not overemphasise the power of love and willed, directed intention in healing. It is very important that we activate and project our intention to heal our patients, i.e. we really want to make the treatment work and we visualise that this is happening. I have mentioned this above several times and will do so again. Late in life, Rudolf Steiner had a revelation after he had met the well known German naturopath, Marie Ritter. He realised that healing did not depend on the remedies themselves but on the awareness or intention of the therapist at the time of prescribing or administration of the remedies. Rudolf Steiner wrote: "In reality it does not depend on the remedy given but on the intention of the one making the remedy" (may be the therapist then often made the remedies themselves?) (R. Steiner, 1920). Even without remedies, without needles or direct treatment of any kind, focused intention can heal. Sometimes it can work even better than a treatment given directly.
    On the relation between the ethereal and the physical
    Do we need modern scientific parameters to confirm the clinical success of our energetic treatment? For example, does clinical cure depend on normalisation of biochemical anomalies (such as blood parameters, mineral composition of tissue fluids, etc.), or normalisation of physical scans (such as ECG, myelography, ultrasonography, radiography, scintigraphy etc.)? Conversely, does absence of change in "scientific" lab tests or scans mean that our treatment has failed to induce clinical cure?
    These are very important questions. To both, the answer is NO! Astonishing clinical results often occur in spite of no change in the lab tests or scans. The following two examples show this so well that little more need be said:
    • Example 1 was from my human practice: A woman had serious menstrual irregularity, many abortions, eczema, migraine, heavy haemorrhage from the uterus and had a very unstable psychological life. Standard medical blood tests revealed that the hormonal balance was out of control. I then treated her with AP and homeopathy and all her Lesion-Symptom Complexes disappeared slowly. However, a blood test when she was well showed that the hormonal balance was as abnormal as before.
    • Example 2 was a dog with serious hip dysplasia (HD) and severe intervertebral calcification in the back (spondylosis). When I put my hands on his back while he was walking, it felt as if stones were grinding and cracking in his spine. After 3 treatments with AP at LV03, the dog could walk without pain and acted like a puppy again. A new radiograph showed that the hip and spinal lesions were unchanged. When I palpated his back as he walked, I felt the same sensation of grinding and cracking in the spine as before. In spite of those lesions, the dog continued to remain clinically sound and he did not need an additional treatment for another year.
    How is this possible? I emphasise that I do not doubt the clinical value of the methods used, but it is hard to understand how the energetic therapy had such good clinical effect on physical health without a corresponding improvement in the scientific parameters used in the pretreatment assessments. A probable answer to the examples above is that the ethereal or energetic body has little influence on the physical body. Energetic / ethereal therapies influence Life Processes and Life Expressions, more than they influence the physical body or lesions.
    Holistic therapy has less potential to change the physical, material body than the physiological processes. It changes white blood cell activity, or how hormones influence the body but it may have little effect on their levels or amounts. (Some research, especially with AP, has shown clear effects on blood parameters, neurotransmitters, etc. This may be explained by assuming that the body has reservoirs of all these components, and after activating these components, it seems to be elevated, while they are more detectable).
    It is possible that the physical (material) body may be changed over a long time. This is certainly true of the material body of children or young animals as long as the body is growing (because the Processes govern the changes then). It is very important to be aware of these relationships, so that we do not promise our patients more than we can fulfil. An important exception is when we diagnose etheric changes that are abnormal or incompatible with healthy etheric formations or Processes as the root cause of the material pathology. When these are the root cause of cancer or exostosis, we can expect the material manifestations to disappear soon (in many cases) if we can correct or eliminate the abnormal etheric aspects. In that way, if we can banish, correct or control the causal abnormalities in the etheric body, it is quite easy to induce exostoses or tumours to diminish or disappear.
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  4. Hi Lynne. Based upon your work, my friend and I are doing an Intention Experiment to help our Autistic sons, who are are the more severe end of The Spectrum from Ms. Dawson. I am doing a blog series about it:

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