Taking HART from the Covid statistics

Lynne McTaggart

Today, on the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Coronavirus Act, a British law granting the UK government emergency powers to handle the Covid-19 pandemic, a team of 41 highly qualified doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists, public health experts and other academics dubbing themselves HART (Health Advisory & Recovery Team) sent a 55-page document to the UK government.

The document, called Covid-19 Response, was compiled to evaluate the measures that had been taken by the government over the past 12 months to combat the virus.

The ostensible reason for the document was the following: ‘As we approach the milestone of the expiry of the Coronavirus Act, all of us need to be well informed of the latest scientific data around COVID-19.’

Wherever you live in the world, the information in this document - and the scientific references included in it – are well worth plowing through.

Much of the information is hugely revelatory about Covid and whether our understanding of, and various responses to, the virus have actually worked.

Revelation No 1: The incidence of Covid is only one-quarter of what has been reported

One big revelation is that the case numbers being bandied about every day on the nightly news may not be remotely accurate.

As I’ve written about before, the PCR test, mainly used to diagnose Covid, works by taking a nasal sample from someone and amplifying the results multiple times.

The higher the amplification, the less accurate the test is.

In fact, after modeling based on the average amplification rates, the researchers have concluded that the incidence of infections is being overstated fourfold.

That means that instead of 4.3 million cases of Covid in the UK, the total number of cases are closer to 1 million.  In America, instead of 30 million cases, the total number of infections is closer to 7.5 million.

That’s still a lot of cases, but nowhere near the number of cases of flu in a bad year.  In 2018-9, for instance, America suffered an estimated 35 million cases of ordinary flu.

And if 3 out of every 4 people who test positive for Covid don’t have it, a percentage of those who supposedly died from Covid are likely to have died from other causes.

Revelation number 2: lockdown may not have done any good

Lockdown does not appear to have saved lives. Joel Smalley, a quantitative data analyst, said that since most countries had imposed lockdowns, it was difficult to study whether it had worked or not – except in two instances.

When comparing deaths between Sweden, which did not lock down, with the UK, which imposed lockdown for about seven months of the past year, Sweden fared better than the UK in terms of death rates per capita.

Now Sweden has many similarities to the UK, but of course a smaller population.

But the researchers also compared the incidence of Covid between North Dakota (which imposed restrictions) and neighboring South Dakota (which did not).

The result? Very little difference in the death toll.

‘It is understandable, due to the immense harms that lockdowns have inflicted, societally, economically, psychologically, that there is a desire for it not to have been all for nothing.  Unfortunately, this just doesn’t show up in the data,’ wrote Smalley.  ‘We may have to accept this inconvenient truth, particularly if it saves us from employing the same erroneous logic in the future.’

What lockdown did do, says HART, was to cause at least 20,000 excess deaths in Britain among people who needed health care, such as cancer patients, and didn’t receive it in a timely fashion because they were being urged to stay home.

Revelation No 3: there are promising treatments shown to save lives

Besides successful treatment protocols like MATH+ created by a team of critical care specialists, whom I’ve written about before, the report listed a number of promising treatment options that had been used on patients, such as vitamin D, certain basic steroids, and the anti-virals hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when used in combination with vitamins and other drugs.

In one published study (Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020; 21: 611-614) a team of Texas doctors had an amazing success rate with 922 highly vulnerable patients, many with cardiovascular disease at risk of death from Covid.

The patients remained at home and were treated with telemedicine. The doctors gave them two rounds of zinc, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin as anti-virals, plus one course of an antibiotic (azithromycin, doxycycline, ceftriaxone) and inhaled budesonide (inhaled steroid to open airways) and/or an intramuscular dexamethasone (another steroid).

The 320 patients who got very severe Covid were asked to come into the clinics and were given urgent administration of albuterol nebulizer (a beta agonist drug), inhaled budesonide, plus supplemental infused B vitamins (thiamine 500 mg, folic acid 1 gram, vitamin B12 1 mg) and magnesium sulfate 4 grams.

Of those 320, only six had to go to the hospital and only one died.

And all 922 people were very sick patients.

Other studies show that ivermectin has an 89 percent success rate when used as preventive medicine and 79 percent success in preventing Covid in someone exposed to the virus.

This is only a quick smattering of the revelations in this document. There are many more about our attempts to deal with the virus, which I’ll share next week.

For now, though, this group of brave individuals can help us all to take heart.  Though nasty, the virus may not be quite as bad as we thought, and the solutions much simpler than we realize.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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