Our Healing Intention Experiment: healing trauma after war

Lynne McTaggart

Dear Readers,

Last week we ran the historic Healing Intention Experiment, with participants from 94 countries around the globe.  Our target was a  two-times US veteran, who fought in both the Gulf War and Afghanistan, and who has suffered extreme anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder ever since.  Working with Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, an expert in neuroscientist expert in EEG mind mapping of brain waves, we were able to see in real time the effect on our target person’s brain as we send intention to calm him down and end his anxiety.  We also had a ‘control,’ a person with extreme anxiety who wasn’t sent intention but whose brain waves were mapped as well.  Neither party knew who was getting the intention.

Dear Readers,

Last week we ran the historic Healing Intention Experiment, with participants from 94 countries around the globe.  Our target was a  two-times US veteran, who fought in both the Gulf War and Afghanistan, and who has suffered extreme anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder ever since.  Working with Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, an expert in neuroscientist expert in EEG mind mapping of brain waves, we were able to see in real time the effect on our target person’s brain as we send intention to calm him down and end his anxiety.  We also had a ‘control,’ a person with extreme anxiety who wasn’t sent intention but whose brain waves were mapped as well.  Neither party knew who was getting the intention.

Dr. Fannin is in the process of number crunching and assessing both our participants, plus a third volunteer whose brain waves were monitored while he was sending intention, so we can examine what goes on in the brain of an ‘intender.’

Thanks to the technical expertise of Quantum University, the production was highly sophisticated.  Viewers were able to see multiple split screens of me directing the intention, Dr. Fannin, our target person and his brain waves – all in real time. 

However, because of the sheer number of people wishing to participate from 94 countries around the globe, some people had difficulty logging to the Quantum University site.

In case you’re one of those who was unable to log in this first time around, you’ll have another opportunity to experience the extraordinary and palpable feeling of oneness that occurs during these mass intentions. 

I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve decided to run another Healing Intention Experiment during the broadcast when we announce the results of this first one. 

We’ve moved our results date to Saturday, May 24 at 10 am Pacific to allow more people to attend.  We’ll have an open live stream on the day so we won’t experience the logjam we had this first time around.

Plus, this time, Russian physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov of St. Petersburg State University will be measuring the effect of our Intentions and group consciousness with his special equipment.

So stay tuned for all instructions. And if you were one of the people who was able to participate last Saturday, next week I will be sending a survey out for you to fill out to find out what has happened to you ever since.

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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