Today, on the 75th anniversary of VE Day, we are striking one small blow for freedom of another kind. And the freedom I’m talking about, that is in danger of a type of suppression with the potential to be every bit as tyrannical as the fascist takeover of Europe, is the subtle collapse of freedom of speech.
We’ve experienced this firsthand, and, in our own small way, we’ve decided to do something about it.
The reason goes to the very heart of who we are as editors and journalists, and what we stand for.
Censored content
For years, as newsstand title, our magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You was being censored in all sorts of subtle and not-so-subtle ways by a retail trade that chose never to support press freedoms.
In early 2019 a store chain in America banned us because some individual in charge of magazines had misread a story of ours about essential oils and decided that it was ‘dangerous’ advice.
Last December we’d run a story about Karen Thomas, a craniosacral therapist who spent 14 years developing a multi-factoral method of treating her son Jacob, who had autism, Asperger’s syndrome and the worse case of ‘oppositional defiant disorder’ that several therapists had ever seen.
Karen’s eventual treatment proved so successful that Jacob is now fully recovered, completely independent and away, studying at a university. Karen has written a book about her protocol and has personally helped hundreds of children overcome autism. One of those children is now studying at Harvard.
A story about a woman reversing autism in her son and other kids with autism is a story worthy of being told, you would have thought. There wasn’t even anything especially controversial in the piece, as Karen wasn’t claiming that Jacob’s autism was kicked off by the MMR.
Nevertheless, after a small Twitter storm in the UK from a few irate parents insisting that their autistic children didn’t require ‘fixing,’ some of the stores got jittery and began essentially asking for our cover story images before we’d be ‘allowed’ to use it to sell our magazines.
Another chain wanted information about our magazine’s contents before deciding whether to permit us to pay for prominent marketing placement in their stores.
We were finding it increasingly difficult to maintain our editorial independence and please our sales venues.
These decisions weren’t driven by economics. Many of these stores were places where we numbered among its top-selling magazines.
Of course the irony didn’t escape us: store chains that are content to sell magazine featuring semi-nude women in seductive poses chose instead to focus their efforts on censoring proven evidence about holistic health.
In Australia, as I mentioned last week, Coles is happy to feature magazines with cover lines like ‘How Kim really got that bum’ (with a giant picture of a scantily clad image of said Kardashian posterior), but to ban a magazine that offers information about non-surgical methods of treating back pain.
This, to us, represents yet one more dangerous new development in our so-called free press. These days, the press – far less ‘free’ – is now largely owned by enormous corporations with major ties to industry (The son of Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox news and the London Times, for instance, was on the board of one drug company).
Amazon (which is now planning to get into the mainstream health care industry) now owns the Washington Post.
The supposed mouthpiece of the people is transforming into the party with powerful vested interests to protect.
Getting censured by the stores proved to be the final straw for us. We’ve been observing the mainstream press and social media not only become less and less vigilant about the status quo but to attack any dissidents who dare to question current policy, say, on vaccination.
Determining what is fit for public consumption, or indeed how its readers should treat their illnesses (particularly when there is a financial stake in that position), is emphatically not a newspaper’s job.
Presently when it comes to health, even sales venues seem to believe that their role is to ‘protect’ the public by censoring information that departs from the standard medical line.
When we launched What Doctors Don’t Tell You in 1990, the London Times called us a ‘Voice in the Silence.’ Thirty years later, that silence has become deafening.
Freedom by stealth
So we’ve decided to go it alone. From July, we’ve made the conscious decision to pull our magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You off the newsstands and return to being a subscription-only publication.
The June edition of WDDTY, which will be on sale in a few weeks in the UK and the US, is last issue of What Doctors Don’t Tell You you’ll be able to buy in a store in the UK and the US.
From July, it will be only available by subscription.
Our decision does not represent a contraction of our business. It is just one part of a major program of multi-media expansion.
Our magazine is presently sold in some 18 countries around the world. Last February, we held our first and highly successful Get Well Show, a major holistic health exhibition, which introduced thousands of people to a wide range of highly prestigious alternative therapists. We will be holding the Get Well show in Los Angeles and again in London in 2021.
We have begun webinars (see our latest on COVID-19 at and other multimedia channels to get our message out to yet more people searching for proven holistic health solutions that work.
We are planning regular webcasts, to provide you with the truth behind the information you’re hearing from the mainstream media – stories from informed and educated voices with no ties to the drug industry, who really can offer unbiased evidence of the truth about health matters.
Is it possible to create a safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19? That’s just one of many questions we think you deserve an answer to.
But we’ve got to become like Jedi knights, operating by stealth to foment a secret revolution. Because press freedom, like political tyranny, is one revolution we believe is always worth fighting for.
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