If we have an energy field, how long does it live on after we die?
Just this question has been asked – and answered – by Konstantin Korotkov, the noted Russian quantum physicist and professor of what is now called the Russian National University of Informational Technology, Mechanics and Optics, who has created a modern-day version of Kirlian photography.
Kirlian photography
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, a Russian engineer, discovered that when anything that conducts energy, including human tissue, is placed on a plate made of an insulating material, such as glass, and exposed to high-voltage, high-frequency electricity, the resulting low current creates a halo of coloured light around the object that can be captured on film
Korotkov came up with a means of capturing this mysterious light in real time by creating a mechanism, which he called the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, which made use of state-of-the-art optics, digitized television matrices and a powerful computer.
If we have an energy field, how long does it live on after we die?
Just this question has been asked – and answered – by Konstantin Korotkov, the noted Russian quantum physicist and professor of what is now called the Russian National University of Informational Technology, Mechanics and Optics, who has created a modern-day version of Kirlian photography.
Kirlian photography
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, a Russian engineer, discovered that when anything that conducts energy, including human tissue, is placed on a plate made of an insulating material, such as glass, and exposed to high-voltage, high-frequency electricity, the resulting low current creates a halo of coloured light around the object that can be captured on film.
Korotkov came up with a means of capturing this mysterious light in real time by creating a mechanism, which he called the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, which made use of state-of-the-art optics, digitized television matrices and a powerful computer.
His equipment blended several techniques: photography, measurements of light intensity and computerized pattern recognition. Korotkov’s camera would take pictures of the field around each of a person’s 10 fingers, one finger at a time. A computer program would then extrapolate from this a real-time image of the ‘biofield’ surrounding the organism and deduce from it the state of the person’s health.
Over thousands of studies, Korotkov and many others have demonstrated that this light is essentially the energy field of a living thing, and that the state of this field mirrors the state of a person’s well-being.
Korotkov’s equipment is well regarded internationally, now routinely used by Russian Ministry of Health as a diagnosis tool, and by the Russian Ministry of Sport to assess the state of athletes training for the Olympics. Outside of Russia, thousands of medical practitioners around diagnose their patients with his machines, and they have even been explored by the US National Institutes of Health.
How long it lingers
Besides these practical applications, Korotkov’s own private passion is the effect of human consciousness on the physical world, and at one point he was drawn to the question of how long this mysterious light lingers with the body after death.
In a series of remarkable experiments carried out between 1995 and 2000, he and a team of operators, who were switched every few hours to eliminate bias, took GDV readings of dozens of newly dead men and women between the ages of 19 and 70.
Each had died from one of three causes:
Korotkov’s discoveries were explosive.
For more than two days after death, there was no principal difference between the ordinary glow of live people and his group of fresh cadavers. Up until that time it was believed that this types of oscillations of light, or repeating risings and fallings in wave patterns, are only characteristic of living systems.
Light signatures
Furthermore, the pattern of this light over time followed three distinct patterns, depending on the nature of the death. Those who died a natural death had larger oscillations up to the first 55 hours, which then gently receded to more insignificant rises and falls. Those who’d died suddenly had one giant wave oscillation, which then abruptly decreased and fell to insignificance in approximately two days.
Finally, those whose deaths could have been prevented had large increases in intensity at night, with a slight drop after the first day and an abrupt drop at the end of the second day. The kind of light expelled seemed to mirror the nature of their deaths; when people died gently, so did their light. When they died more violently, their light had more abrupt changes and final departures.
To ensure that this wasn’t due to some other atmospheric cause, Korotkov controlled for every variable, including meterological data and electromagnetic conditions in the atmosphere, but there were no visible correlations.
Unlike any known pattern
Although materialists would argue that the light was simply the residual physiological activity of muscular tissues, transforming in the process of decomposition, forensic medical literature makes clear that any electrophysiological characteristics of a newly dead body abruptly change in the first few hours and either remain constant or create smooth, curved wave forms.
Korotkov’s data did not resemble that at all.
The only conclusion was that this light was living after life had ended and changing at a different point than at the time of the death of the body. Korotkov wrote a book called Light after Life about his discoveries and privately became intensely spiritual.
He began to think of as this mysterious light as an ‘energy-information structure,’ a more modern take on the soul, ultimately independent of the body, making its own transition after death.
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