Let’s heal the world – and your community – together!

Lynne McTaggart

Life isn’t working the way it once did — and we all know it.

Most of us throw up our hands and cry, “What can I do? What can any one person do to change anything?”

What you must realize is the incredible power that you — and each of us —already hold to make necessary change in the world.

And it is up to each of us to fix it.

That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that I’m going to begin running regular LIVE Intention Experiments in my Community – free for all of you to participate in - and providing all of you with FREE TOOLS to bring change about and help you heal your communities.

If you haven’t joined my Community, please do so to gain access to all this free material. (And joining the Community itself is free.)

Here’s what joining my community entitles you to:

1. Regular broadcasts and Intention Experiments I’m going to be running in my Community so that we can work on ideas and collective intentions together.

2. FREE Tools for a New World, as part of The 8 Revolution, free for any members of our Community. These tools will enable you to make major changes in your neighborhoods and communities – the kind of changes that can create a cascade of change.

3. A fantastic place to find your tribe, create a Power of Eight® group, if you don’t have one, and learn how to harness the energies of collective purpose to heal yourself, others and the globe.  You’ll discover a host of likeminded people whose hopes and dreams are just like yours.

And best of all, as I said, it costs nothing for you to be part of this movement.

Joining itself, receiving these tools and participating in my Intention Experiments all are FREE.

So if you want to help heal the world (and experience the wonderful rebound power of community intention in healing your own life), please join and be part of our tribe.

Here’s how:

1) Register here

2) Fill in the required fields (username, e-mail, password)

*The password should be at least 10 characters

3) Login

Watch the video instructions here.

Once you've registered, you'll discover 5 FREE DOWNLOADS on our site, including a 'Getting Started' guide, 'Changing the Story of Who We Are', 'Rebuilding Your Neighborhood with Intention', 'The Transformational Power of a Common Goal' and more.

In these downloads, you will discover exercises and suggested activities to help you apply the principles of The 8 Revolution to make great changes in your neighbourhood and throughout the world with your Power of Eight group!

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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

Start Your Intention Journey Today!

Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.

Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne! 
