Intention of the Week

Intention of the Week

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Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm EST

Other times:

  • 10:00 am PDST
  • 11:00 am MDST
  • 12:00 am CDST
  • 6:00 pm GMT
  • 7:00 pm rest of Europe

Phylicia O'Brien, age 68, lives in British Columbia Canada. She says that she has not felt well for awhile now - "so far the tests I have had are negative - am slotted for a lot more tests in the near future. Having gone through cancer once before I am naturally very concerned about it. My intention is to be totally healthy and I do believe in the power of the mind."

Please join us on this site on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and hold the following intention:

‘My intention is for Phylicia O'Brien to be cancer free and healthy in every way’

Check here for the time in your time zone:

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