Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Noel Kaufman

Send intention to help heal body and spirit

Noel Kaufman

Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm EST
Other times:
10:00 am PDST
11:00 am MDST
12:00 am CDST
6:00 pm GMT
7:00 pm rest of Europe

Maya Sees has nominated her friend Noel Kaufmann, as a recipient for this week’s Intention of the Week. Noel, 46 has a type of brain cancer tumor called an anaplastic astrocytoma. He was just moved a few days ago to a hospice center in Flushing ( a part of New York City more commonly known as Queens), New York, US.
Last Saturday, when she suggested sending a request for a healing intention on the Intention Experiment website, Noel's brother Darius, who is at his brother's bedside each day said, "Please feel free to do for Noel whatever your inner guidance tells you."
Then later on that evening, one of Noel's closest friends told Maya that the very last time she saw him, Noel gave her a copy of my book The Intention Experiment. “ I had no prior knowledge of this when I suggested submitting an intention request,” adds Maya.
“Although Noel was talking and interacting with those around him earlier this week his state of consciousness is uncertain at this time.
“I was asked by those closest to Noel, to include the words ‘body and spirit’ when speaking of a healing intention.
Please join us on this site on Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and hold the following intention:
‘My intention is for Noel Kaufman to be free of all cancer and to be healthy and well in both body and spirit in every way.’
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