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Intention of the Week - Freya Shaw
Help to heal her retinitis pigmentosa
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Freya Shaw, aged 54, who lives in Nelson, British Columbia,
Canada has retinitis pigmentosa (RP). This condition results in gradual loss of vision in stages and ultimately can result in complete blindness.
Freya began to develop symptoms of this condition when she was about 20 years old, and the progression has been slow and gradual.
There is a genetic component to this condition, as her father and older brother both have it, although in a much more severely progressed state.
‘I am no longer allowed to drive due to loss of peripheral vision,’ she says, ‘but I am still independently mobile and can function quite normally in most circumstances.
‘The collective belief in the medical profession is that there is no cure for RP. I believe otherwise. I am in excellent health, with a healthy, active lifestyle, an optimistic outlook, a passion for the mysterious and miraculous, and a drive for self mastery. My belief is that if there is breath in the body, anything is possible especially with powerful intention.
‘I am thrilled at the prospect of being considered for this experiment.’
On Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 1 pm Eastern DST, please send the following intention to Freya:
‘My intention is for Freya Shaw to be cured of retinitis pigmentosa, and and to have her full and healthy sight restored.’
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