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Intention of the Week - Jennifer Harper-Deacon
Help to heal her lymph-node cancer
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Jennifer Harper-Deacon, former Sunday Times columnist, who has written extensively about health, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of malignant melanoma in February 2009.
Although a wide excision was delayed, in January 2010, a lump appeared in her right groin, which was confirmed as cancer. A Pet/CT scan showed it had spread from her thigh into groin and hip so in February 2010 she had a double block dissection removing all lymph nodes in her right thigh, groin and hip. Sadly, only two were confirmed as cancer and her body has been struggling to cope with this loss of 21 lymph nodes, which has caused lymphoedema and even a bout of cellulitis.
She is now at stage 3 and concerned that she will reach stage 4 when it spreads to brain, liver and lungs.
This form of cancer, she says, is resistant to all forms of conventional treatment so any healing along with natural support is the only option she believes she has.
“I pray this journey is to help others with this condition as many errors have been made in my 'care' along the way so I hope I can inspire others diagnosed with this condition in the future,” says Jennifer.
On Sunday, June 27, 2010, at 5 pm GMT please come onto our website and send the following intention:
"My intention is for Jennifer Harper-Deacon to be free of all cancer now and in future, for her lymphatic system to adjust to the loss of nodes and not suffer with oedema, and for the inflammation and toxicity that is present in her body now to be clear."
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