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Intention of the Week - Annette Sanita
Help improve her finances and help to keep her daughter in school
Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
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10 am PDST
11 am MDST
12 noon CDST
1 pm EDST
6 pm British Summer Time
7 pm rest of Europe
We are running financial intentions of the week for people with financial challenges.
Annette Sanita, who is 49 years old, lives in Norwich, New York. She is a widow of seven years now and has a daughter attending her second year at New York University. She lives in the poorest county in the state. “Jobs are far and few between here,” she writes. “I do own a house, but have fallen behind in the taxes due to lack of work. I would like to relocate, New York is just too expensive for me. . . .I know this, but I cannot sell my house at the present time due to its condition. I am not asking for a lot, just to be able to make a living for myself and to enable my daughter to continue her education.”
Please come onto our website at 5 pm GMT on Sunday, September 27, follow the Intention of the Week instructions on the front page and send the following intention:
“My intention is for Annette Sanita to find a well-paying job, sell her house, move to a better location and amply afford her daughter’s education.”
Do you have a financial challenge at the moment? Be part of our Financial Intention of the week. Send your name, age, location (town/country), details of your circumstance and your photo to:
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