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Intention of the Week - Emily Kate Saunders |
Emily Saunders, 31, who lives in west London, in the UK, has cancer in her small intestine, which has grown to grapefruit size, and now encompasses the area around her pancreas, spleen, and organs positioned between her solar plexus and spine.
It is inoperable since it is attached to too many organs. She is about to initiate chemotherapy next week to attempt to reduce the tumor so that it will become operable.
At present, she’s unable to eat, owing to the blockage, and vomiting regularly.
“We are very grateful that she is to be included in the intention experiment,” says her friends and family, “and giving her that information has already helped to raise her spirits, so many thanks for that.”
Please take 10 minutes this Sunday to send intention to Emily at 5 pm Greenwich Mean Time. For details of that time in your time zone, please consult our website front page and click on Intention of the Week.
Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT Other times: 10 am PDST At that time, please come together on the site and send a 10-minute intention: “My intention is for all of the organs and cells in Emily Saunders’ body to return to normal and for her to be healthy and well in every way.”
Please also include your comments to Emily, below: |
First Name: |
Email: |
Joining the Intention Experiment community allows you to participate in the experiment, speak with other intenders and receive Lynne’s weekly newsletter. (Your details will not be passed on to third parties.) |
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