The virulence of the Covid-19 virus, and the sheer number of reported casualties has convinced us all that such an invincible enemy can only be vanquished with the most powerful weaponry – super anti-virals, high-tech vaccines, the latest in ventilators or oxygen pumps and more.
But some of the medical success stories in battling the virus have taken place with just the gentlest of remedies – remedies that fly in the face of everything we understand about how medicine works – remedies that to many minds are nothing more than water.
Jeremy Sherr, an epidemiologist, homeopath and acupuncturist in South Africa, is among a group of practitioners around the world who claims to have successfully treated Covid patients during all stages of the disease. Most have recovered quickly and some even experienced reduced symptoms just hours after taking the first remedies.
At the height of the epidemic last April, Sherr’s group – composed of homeopaths from the US, UK, Germany, Belgium,, Italy, Israel, Russia, Japan and China – collated full clinical reports on 204 cases presumed to be Covid-19 that were treated only with homeopathy.
Although in many instances it was impossible to confirm that the person definitely had the virus, unless he or she was hospitalized and given a test, all these cases include people with well recognized Covid symptoms.
Of these cases, a total of 93 percent of the patients reported that their symptoms were either very much or much better, and nearly two-thirds reported that they were ‘very much better’ after only being given homeopathy, so much so that they were returning to good health and not suffering relapses.
Only 7 percent of the sample had no change, but no one got worse.
Most of the cases where the person had just got infected responded within 24-48 hours, while those who were sick for a week or more required two or three remedies to get better.
Take a pulmonologist and ER doctor from Maryland who caught Covid-19 last spring after working on the front line in his hospital. After 12 hours, he was so ill that he couldn’t get out of bed.
He happened to be friends with someone who knew Denise Straiges, president of the Academy of Homeopathy Education, who practices homeopathy in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Denise recommended a particular remedy (Phosphorus).
The doctor didn’t believe in homeopathy, but as a lung specialist, he knew there was nothing else for him to take and that if he allowed the virus free rein, he would be in bad shape. He also trusted his friend, who urged him to take the remedy.
When his friend delivered the remedy to his door, he was so weak and out of breath that it took him three hours to get up the strength to walk across the room and pick up the parcel with the homeopathic tablet.
That night – at about 2 am, he took the remedy and then repeated it four hours later.
‘By 10 a.m. when I spoke to him,’ says Straiges, ‘eight hours after he started taking the remedy—he was up and said he felt 70 percent better.’
When he felt like he was getting worse again, Straiges repeated that remedy, and when his symptom picture changed, she suggested he take Spigelia. Two days later, he was back at work.
In total, the ER doctor had overcome a severe case of Covid in six days.
The doctor was shocked by the results; as a pulmonologist working in the emergency room, he was witnessing the full effects of the virus from a front row seat.
‘He was sick as could be—and then he wasn’t. He also knew he had had only one type of medical intervention—homeopathy,” say Straiges.
After this seemingly miraculous recovery, the doctor quickly became a convert and began referring patients suffering from Covid-19 to Straiges for treatment.
This is not the first time that homeopathy has been used in an epidemic. Samuel Hahnemann himself advocated homeopathy for scarlet fever, and the system rose to prominence in the 19th century largely due to its success in treating such epidemic diseases as cholera, yellow fever and typhus.
The Swiss government has been so convinced of the evidence of homeopathy successfully treating respiratory infections that it has allowed the therapy to be used and paid for on its national health service.
The problem is convincing mainstream medicine to try using something they consider nothing better than water.
And that’s because conventional science cannot really account for how on earth homeopathy could work.
However, the New Science offers many clues. The late Giuliano Preparata and Emilio Del Giudice, two Italian physicists at the Milan Institute for Nuclear Physics, demonstrated mathematically, and other scientists like the late French biologist Jacques Benveniste, showed experimentally, that single wavelengths of water molecules appear to become 'informed' in the presence of other molecules — that is, they tend to polarize around any charged molecule — storing and carrying its frequency so that it may be read at a distance.
This would mean that water may act like a tape recorder, imprinting and carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not.
These radical ideas were vindicated by the work of French scientist and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), who has carried out experiments showing that some bacterial and viral DNA sequences can induce low-frequency electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions.
As Montagnier concluded, “High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules.”
Homeopathic medicines have nothing but the energetic footprint of active substances. But that footprint may be strong enough to leave an indelible mark – even in an epidemic.
It shouldn’t be blown out of the water before looking at it a little deeper.
Jeremy Sherr is one of three doctors and practitioners speaking at our virtual Get Well Show Nov 12-15 about the treatments they’ve used that are healing or preventing Covid-19. To find out how to watch them and 50 other practitioners who treat most major chronic illness, visit stands with powerful new remedies and win free treatments at our show, visit:
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