I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the news. I tired of hearing about how the world is falling down, tired of newspaper headlines screaming ‘AIN’T IT AWFUL.’ I’m tired of what journalism has become: the fount of bad news. I’m tired of bad news, period.
I’m tired of it because I know it’s not true. I know that there are millions of initiatives all around the planet, even in the most unlikely nooks and crannies, of people who are making use of the crises we now face in every area of our lives – the falling-down world we now have — to make our world it anew.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the news. I tired of hearing about how the world is falling down, tired of newspaper headlines screaming ‘AIN’T IT AWFUL.’ I’m tired of what journalism has become: the fount of bad news. I’m tired of bad news, period.
I’m tired of it because I know it’s not true. I know that there are millions of initiatives all around the planet, even in the most unlikely nooks and crannies, of people who are making use of the crises we now face in every area of our lives – the falling-down world we now have — to make our world it anew.
Schools using cooperative learning, where A students work side by side with C students, producing better results than those schools that group children by ability and have them compete for grades.
Ethnic or political groups with vast political or social differences coming together and speak deeply about their own values, at which point connections and solutions naturally evolve.
Companies rejecting a culture of naked-claw competition, and creating collaborative ways to work inside their organization and also with their competitors
People in the most devastated parts of America using the scorched ground of the old way to create something of such impossible beauty that it opens the human spirit to new possibility.
Groups, companies, neighborhoods, individuals using the power of teamwork — THE BOND — to reinvent our world.
All these new organizations are changing the paradigm, from I win only if you lose to I win when and only when you and I both win.
The problem is: no one hears these stories.
Stories like those of Dawna, whose business model attempts to show how personal decision making is wired directly to planetary stewardship.
Or Jennifer, who has an acupuncture and energy work by donation clinic once a week in her community, which educates people about new methods of healing and helps to create community.
Or Patty, who told me about the JBJ soul kitchen in Red Bank, New Jersey, where you can pay or volunteer for a meal.
Or Paul, who told us about Dana Cummings’ work on www.ampusurf.com, teaching the blind or people with amputated limbs to surf.
I want to report on these stories from all over the world and share this good news, far and wide.
I am looking for inspiring stories of change-agents, who are changing some aspect of our falling-down world. People who have created new businesses with new paradigms, or found new ways to share food or housing or community together, or a new way of banking or even of paying for things.
Those who have found new ways of bartering for services, or living together, or creating energy. Those who are revitalizing communities destroyed by the old competitive way of doing things. People who have discovered the power of The Bond.
If you are one of them or know of one, please write me at: makingthebond@wddty.co.uk
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The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com
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