In 1970, the late German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp had been playing around with ultraviolet light, in an attempt to find a cure for cancer, when he made an unexpected discovery. Using a special machine that could count individual photons, the tiniest particles of light, Popp discovered that all living things, including humans, were emitting a tiny current of light waves, of a surprisingly high intensity.
What’s more, these photons in the living systems he’d examined were more coherent than anything he’d ever seen. In quantum physics, quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other, but also are highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields so that they can communicate together. They resonate like a multitude of tuning forks all attuned to the same frequency.
As the waves get into sync, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. Something done to one of them will affect the others. They stop behaving like anarchic individuals and begin operating like one well-rehearsed marching band.
Quantum telephone networks
Coherence establishes communication. Another way to view coherence is like a subatomic telephone network. The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more waves have a telephone.
The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together, and although individual instruments are able to carry on playing individual parts, when you are listening, it’s difficult to tell them apart.
What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of this quantum order in a living system. Usually, coherence of this magnitude is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory at very low temperatures—just a few degrees above absolute zero—and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.
Another place where coherence is observed is in laser light. All the photons of laser light oscillate in perfect harmony, behaving like one giant photon and vibrating in perfect rhythm. This organization makes for an extraordinary efficiency of energy. Instead of sending light about 10 feet (3 meters), like a typical 60-watt light bulb, the laser emits a light wave 300 million times that far.
The coherence of laser light is like comparing the photons of a single light bulb to sunlight. Ordinary light sources are extraordinarily inefficient. The intensity of light from a bulb is only about 6 watts per square inch (1 watt per centimeter) of light.
But if you could get all the photons of this one small light bulb to become coherent and resonate in harmony with each other, the energy density of the single light bulb would be thousands to millions of times higher than that of the surface of the sun.
It took many years for scientists around the globe to begin confirming Fritz-Albert Popp’s theories that light emitted from living things seemed to be the driver of many biological communication processes. Popp even discovered that the light changed, if a person was ill in any way.
The hot new treatment
Nearly 50 years after Popp’s discovery, laser light therapy is one of hottest new treatments for all sorts of illnesses, from arthritis, joint and musculoskeletal pain of all varieties to depression and eye problems like macular degeneration. Even vets are using laser light to heal wounds in dogs.
As the latest science has discovered, particular frequencies cause certain ‘photochemical’ reactions in the body, not unlike photosynthesis in a plant, which harnesses the power of the sun and converts it into usable energy.
Most of the science about laser therapy concentrates on the results and not why this type of light has such a profound effect on the body. But perhaps some clues come from Popp’s work all those years ago.
He’d discovered that this mysterious light from humans was not only a communication system within our bodies, but with other living things. We send out light, and they send a synchronous reply. It stands to reason that if we can take in light from the outside, we might also be able to use it correct our own light when it goes awry.
Popp began experimenting using various plant extracts to change the abnormal light emissions of patients with a variety of illnesses. He discovered that certain substances, like a particular type of mistletoe, restored the light coherence in a woman with cancer.
But following in Popp’s footsteps, many pioneering practitioners are going directly to lasers as a simple source of coherent light itself.
May they light our way to full health.
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