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Please help to heal her spinal cord. Jo Ann Welch, 43, of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, has asked to be this week’s intention. Here she tells her story: 'When I was 18 a vascular malformation was discovered inside my spinal cord. The tumor was rather large and split open my spinal cord. I had surgery to remove the tumor and am very lucky to be alive and I consider my recovery nothing short of a miracle.' 'The tumor affected the right side of my body, I walk with a cane and have weakness in my right cane. Recently I began having new symptoms. A cyst has formed in place of the tumor and is now large enough to cause problems. For the last two and half years I have seen numerous doctors and had many tests and a decision has been made to remove the cyst. My intention is for the cyst to shrink and thus reducing my symptoms which are now becoming intolerable, and for the surgery to be successful.' Please join us on the Intention Experiment site on Sunday, March 11th, 2012 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and send the following intention: "My intention is that Jo Ann Welch is completely free of her spinal cyst, that her surgery is successful and that she is free to function normally." Check here for the time in your time zone: |
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