Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Anders Nielsen

Help to heal his esophageal cancer

Anders Nielsen

Please join in on Sunday, 1:10 pm GMT
Other times:
5:10 am PDST
6:10 am MDST
7:10 noon CDST
8:10 pm EDST
2:10 pm rest of Europe

Anders Nielson, who is 43 and lives in London, was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus a year ago, when doctors found a 10 cm tumor there and enlarged lymph nodes in the stomach. He commenced a nine-week course of conventional chemotherapy treatment in August 2009.
This was to be followed by 'pioneering' surgery to remove and resection the esophagus in November.
The surgery was aborted one and a half hours in when they discovered a "spread" of a film of cancer like cells on the left pleura of the lungs. The surgical incision and the exploration of that area meant that recovery from the surgery was slow. This was hugely improved by a regime that Anders underwent at the Manhattan Advanced Medicine Clinic [MAMC] in NYC.
At tjos alternative clinic Anders was given a number of homeopathic tinctures, a restrictive diet, and alkaline, vitamin
and mineral infusions. This lasted for three weeks, after which Anders was doing incredibly well, was mobile, fit and with a healthy appetite.
After returning to London, Anders resumed conventional treatment, this time an eight-week course of radiotherapy at The Royal Marsden.
Since then he has developed severe lymphoedema which has made him quite immobile although that has improved dramatically recently. He had eight litres of fluid drained from his left lung recently and is in a lot of pain. He recently spent several days in St Raphael's Hospice where they have managed the pain with a further cocktail of drugs, although he has returned home now.
On Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 1:10 pm Eastern DST (right after our Gulf Oil intention), please send the following intention to Anders:
"My intention is for Anders Nielsen to be completely free of all cancer in his esophagus and elsewhere in his body and to be healthy and well in every way."
Check here for the time in your time zone:

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