How to bankrupt the National Health Service

Lynne McTaggart

The attack on What Doctors Don’t Tell You is part of a larger concerted campaign to demolish alternative medicine of every variety.  Small, organized groups, the self-styled guardians of ‘true’ medicine and science, have been systematically harassing many alternative individual practitioners and professional organizations, while Brussels and the UK government, lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry, have been busily putting into place a series of laws that are restricting access to high dose vitamins, herbal supplements and other natural medicine.

The attack on What Doctors Don’t Tell You is part of a larger concerted campaign to demolish alternative medicine of every variety.  Small, organized groups, the self-styled guardians of ‘true’ medicine and science, have been systematically harassing many alternative individual practitioners and professional organizations, while Brussels and the UK government, lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry, have been busily putting into place a series of laws that are restricting access to high dose vitamins, herbal supplements and other natural medicine.

The problem is that no one  — skeptics, politicians and even the drugs industry lobbyists — have paused long enough to join the dots about out how this campaign could accelerate the decline of the system they purport to defend.

The following to do with Britain and the National Health Service, but it equally could apply to any Western country with a health care system.

Consider a few inconvenient statistics, as Dr. Robert Verkerk, director of the Alliance for Natural Health, discusses in a forthcoming issue of WDDTY.  The think tank The King’s Fund is predicting a financial crisis for the NHS within two years, as it struggles to support its 1.7 million employees (the NHS is the fifth largest employer in the world, says Dr. Verkerk).

Both political parties recognize that the demographics of the British population are shifting.  At the moment, one in six of us is over 65, but in 35 years, the over 65s will represent one of every four citizens.  And we’re not enjoying rude good health.  Although we’re living a bit longer, we’re getting ill earlier than we used to.

Small wonder that the Labour Party is kicking around the idea of a ‘death’ tax of 15 per cent on the estates of the recently deceased to pay for care of the swelling numbers requiring the NHS while still alive. And the current conservative government plans to cut the NHS budget by $2 billion and replace hospital care with extra ‘care at home’ initiatives meaning that you may not be able to get seen by a hospital at the point where you might really need it.

While handling emergencies admirably, the medical profession is woefully ill equipped to help this ageing population prevent chronic illness.  As Dr. Sarah Myhill, outspoken British doctor who specializes in treating many chronic conditions holistically, writes, when it comes to actually understanding disease, all of doctor-induced disease – from medical mistakes to the side effects of prescription drugs – ‘pales into insignificance when compared with the intellectual neglect demonstrated by doctors failing to understand, recognize and prevent the two major causes of death; namely heart disease and cancer. The worst example of this neglect is the nonsense propagated by doctors that a high fat diet results in high cholesterol and so heart and arterial disease – indeed this has become the popular accepted wisdom.’

So just imagine for one moment if all those attempting to suppress natural medicine are successful and all of alternative medicine disappears. 

Natural medicine is a £6 billion pound industry in the UK alone.  Aside from the disastrous effect destruction of this sector would have on the British economy, think of the impact this would have on the already collapsing NHS.  For many years now, more visits have been paid to alternative practitioners than to GPs in Britain. 

Imagine, for a moment, that all those millions of patients now have to line up to see their GPs, instead of going to their nutritionist, homeopath or acupuncturist. 

Imagine the millions more who get will ill earlier than they would have because they are unable able to get hold of dietary supplements that are increasingly necessary giving the declining nutritional value of most food.

Imagine the effect on the population if our only recourse with chronic illness is to rely on a system of medicine that is now the third leading cause of death in the US after heart disease and cancer.

Are you starting to get the mental picture?  Millions more sick people requiring more hospital care earlier.

The bottom line, pure and simple, is that killing natural medicine would kill free medicine.  If the politicians and the drug industry have their way, destroying alternatives will do more than anything else to accelerate the end of the NHS. 


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Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages.

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