Last week, I had a wonderful conversation with Lee Carroll, famed channeler of Kryon, who said that Kryon has predicted the crises we’re facing on many fronts for some years now and that it is coming ‘right on schedule.’
It is what I have felt for many years now – the idea that that the lives we’ve chosen to lead are not consistent with who we really are and that the world we have created for ourselves can no longer be supported.
And, I want to add, that’s a very good thing.
For more than two decades, commentators of every variety have been trying to get a handle on the collective significance of the continuous crises besetting us in modern times: banking crises, terrorist crises, sovereign-debt crises, climate-change crises, energy crises, food crises, ecological crises, manmade and otherwise – and now the crisis of a global pandemic.
Since the millennial, I’ve heard people say, wistfully or with outright alarm, that it is the end of capitalism as we know it, the end of nature, the end of oil, the end of food, the end of a temperate climate, the end of freedom, the end of humankind and, of course, the beginning of the end of the world.
But the crises we face on many fronts are symptomatic of a deeper problem, with more potential repercussions than those of any single cataclysmic event. They are simply a measure of the vast disparity between our definition of ourselves and our truest essence.
For hundreds of years we have acted against nature by ignoring our essential connectedness and defining ourselves as separate from our world. We’ve reached the point where we can no longer live according to this false view of who we really are.
What’s ending the story we’ve been told up until now about who we are and how we’re supposed to live — and in this ending lies the only path to a better future.
The competitive impulse that is now a major part of our self-definition and that forms the undercurrent of all our lives is the same mindset that has created every one of the large global crises now threatening to destroy us.
If we can recover wholeness in our relationships, in my view, we will begin to heal our world.
In all my research, I have discovered other societies who live very differently from us, with a world view more in keeping with the findings of the new science. These cultures conceive of the universe as an indivisible whole, and this central belief has bred an extraordinarily different way of seeing and interacting with the world.
They believe that they are in relationship with all of life – even with the earth itself. We see the thing; they see the glue between the things – the thing that holds them together. The essential thing for these societies is not the individual, but the relationship between individuals, which they view as a thing in itself.
They’ve understood the essential nature of humanity as a coming together — a communion — and as a consequence, they live happier lives, with lower divorce statistics, fewer troubled children, less crime and violence, and a stronger community.
They have chosen a better way to live, a more authentic way to be — the way, I believe, that you and I were meant to live. And they do so because they’ve bought into another narrative — another world view of who we are and why we’re here than that espoused by our culture, most particularly by our current science.
So my message to you is one of great hope. We are supposed to be going through a change of story, right on schedule, as Kryon has told us, but here’s the fantastic news: we get to write the ending.
It’s up to all of us. We stand at the crucial point in our evolution where we must make a choice. We are one of the most important generations in the history of humanity. With all the calamities in our midst, our choices will affect our children’s children – and indeed the world for all time.
We can continue our process of competitive individualism, ringfencing people and things according to more tightly defined and emphasized differences. We can continue to operate against nature and connect less and less with what we regard as other than ourselves.
Never think you are powerless in this process. Each of us had enormous power at our disposal – the power to heal ourselves, to heal others – in fact, to heal the world. I’ve tested the power of group intention in more than 40 studies, I’ve seen it bring fractured and polarized communities together. I’ve seen people get up out of wheelchairs, heal ‘incurable’ genetic illnesses, heal relationships, heal lives.
Our power as creators is limitless.
We have the power of our wallets, the power of our voices, the power of our intention.
And it can happen with just a group of eight.
Have enormous faith this holiday season. We have the power to change, to heal, to make it better, this next time around.
But we all need to participate. It’s time for each of us to step up to the plate.
It’s up to us.
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
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