Help Rita to overcome stage 4 breast cancer

‘Our intention is that Rita Sackel be immediately, completely and permanently healed of all traces of breast cancer, and any possible metastases elsewhere, particularly in the spine, ribs, pelvis, humerus, pelvis, sacrum and femur, and that she be healthy and well in every way.’

Intention of the Week: Rita Sackel
Help her to overcome stage 4 breast cancer
Sunday, December 24, 2023
10:00 am Pacific US time

A member of our community has nominated Rita Sackel, aged 72, from Florida, USA for an Intention of the Week. Here is her story:

“Rita was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021.

“She had a left breast mastectomy in 2022 and was told that it appeared that the surgery was successful, and that the tumor was removed and that clear margins had been achieved.

“She then started an intense holistic and dietary program during her recovery. In 2022 her oncologist ordered a scan due to a suspicious result of a blood test.

“The scan and subsequent biopsy indicated that the cancer had metastasized throughout the skeletal system to include spine, ribs, pelvis, humerus, pelvis, sacrum and femur.

“Rita is currently on a regimen of oral chemotherapy and an estrogen blocker. Additionally, she is incorporating an intense integrative medicine approach. She has started a complete plant-based diet. She has focused spiritual, emotional and quantum healing.

“She has managed to maintain a positive outlook despite pain and nausea, and is determined to do whatever is necessary in order to be healed.”

Please hold the following intention on Sunday, December 24, 2023, at 10:00 am Pacific US time/ 1:00 pm Eastern US/ 6:00 pm UK/ 7:00 pm Europe:

‘Our intention is that Rita Sackel be immediately, completely and permanently healed of all traces of breast cancer, and any possible metastases elsewhere, particularly in the spine, ribs, pelvis, humerus, pelvis, sacrum and femur, and that she be healthy and well in every way.’


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