Intention Essentials


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Getting it right from the start

Intention is a powerful, life-changing force that can radically transform your life and that of those around you.

You’ve been taught to turn to religious leaders and gurus and other authority figures, when actually you – like each of us – has been born with this extraordinary gift and just needs to learn how to unleash it. 

Many thousands can testify to its immense power – and especially those who have carefully followed the intention my protocols.

After researching and testing the phenomenon for more than 20 years, I have discovered the fast-track to harness intention.

And now, I’m launching this course, teaching the basics of the skill of using intention in your life so you are doing it correctly from the start.

The Intention Essentials launches on June 15, 2024, and runs every Saturday until July 13, 2024.


Is this for you? Intention Essentials is the best place to start if you’re new to my work and courses, even if you believe you know all about manifestation and the Law of Attraction, or you’ve taken courses from other spiritual teachers. Even if you’ve read any of my books, the courses contain so much more information about the actual techniques of intentions than my books ever can.

It’s an excellent ‘refresher’ course if you have studied with me but want more training in the essentials, particularly if you aren’t achieving everything you hope for.

Intention Essentials also offers indispensable preparation for my year-long iconic course, THE POWER OF EIGHT INTENTION MASTERCLASS, which launched in February 2024 and runs annuallly.


What you will learn: In this SIX-part course I teach you all the basics of the skill of using intention in your life so you are doing it correctly from the start.

This includes:

  • FIVE recorded one-hour sessions teaching you 7 ESSENTIAL TOOLS that spell the difference between success and failure, which most people haven’t learned, even if they’ve well versed in other spiritual practices. The sessions offer exercises and practices, while you listen, so you’ll engage in experiential learning as you move through the course.
  • WEEKLY EXERCISES, PRACTICE AND HOMEWORK, so you’ll be immersing yourself in the essential keys to focus your thoughts with laser-like efficiency.
  • IN-DEPTH GUIDANCE on the most effective language to use, how to rehearse it all first in your head, how to focus your heart, how to counter self-doubt and how to take it all, step by step.
  • A BONUS LIVE SESSION WITH LYNNE. Following the FIVE recorded courses, Lynne works directly with you in A LIVE AND INTERACTIVE session:
    • a LIVE MENTORING SESSION, to ensure that you are following all the intention techniques correctly.
  • YOUR OWN COMMUNITY OF CLASSMATES: Besides all this in-depth instruction, you’ll be set up in your own special group on Lynne’s Community page, which is exactly like a private Facebook group but without any of the privacy issues and downsides of social media. You’ll be able to connect and interact with other class members, work in pairs, organize Power of Eight® groups, and more.

“Since starting the INTENTION ESSENTIALS course and joining a Power of Eight® group, I have noticed marked changes in my life, even in things I have not intended for. I have had the resolution of two medical conditions in a smooth manner. I have more energy and motivation. I have more confidence. My relationships have improved. For the first time I can fit it in. Thank you all. as I never expected this – it is a great feeling!”

–  Rachel Brooke

The new science of quantum physics shows that thoughts and intentions are an actual physical ‘something’ with the astonishing power to change our world. Every thought we hold is a tangible energy with the power to transform our lives.

But even more amazingly, your thoughts can also make powerful changes to the people and things around you.  In fact, according to the latest scientific evidence, they even have the power to change the world.

But even if you’ve already heard about the Law of Attraction or have tried some techniques around ‘intention,’ there’s an art and a science to harnessing your thoughts to maximum effect – with tools most people haven’t learned, even if they’ve practiced other spiritual practices for decades.

And making use of these simple techniques often spells the difference between success and failure.

“Our group intention for me to stop all sugar put an immediate end to the shame and hopelessness I felt after decades of battling this addiction without success. Now I sleep through the night without binges and no longer experience the sugar hangovers that kept me asleep some days well into the afternoon. My husband and I enjoy more of one another’s company. These days I am feeling super-connected, blissful, guided, loved and supported. Thanks to my Power of Eight® group, I am experiencing one of the best periods of my life.”

- Kristen Stephan

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Intention Essentials 2024

For more than 20 years, I have been investigating the power of intention, with teams of prestigious scientists, in giant experiments, and with thousands of her participants in small Power of Eight® groups.

As a result of this work, I’ve developed the world’s most complete toolkit for using and receiving intention based on a unique blend of science and ancient wisdom.

To create these techniques, I have studied, synthesized and distilled the practices of many masters of intention – from prestigious scientists carrying out consciousness and Quantum research to Qigong masters, Buddhist monks and other master healers.

Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of people around the world how to put these skills to work for them to enable them to become master influencers.

My students consistently discover miraculous powers they’d never dreamed of – to lower violence, to heal each other, to heal the world.

“This course has changed me in unexpected ways. I feel a sense of excitement about my life. I feel more loving towards others, and I feel a sense of being more well regarding a chronic illness that I have. I feel a huge sense of love, compassion, and joy when I send intentions to others, and receiving an intention from my group is a mystical experience for me. I am so thrilled to be a part of this and I am very excited about continuing through more courses and learning and experiencing more. This whole experience has just felt so right to me, and I am grateful to have found it.”

- Louise Hall

Discover the Intention Protocols

I’m constantly overwhelmed with questions from readers and fans, who keep asking, in so many words: how do I ‘do’ intention?

  • What’s the best wording for intentions relating to their health or anyone else’s? 
  • What about money – is it better to ask for the exact amount or a lot more than that, as an ‘insurance policy’? 
  • When it comes to troubled or even new relationships, is it okay to try to change the other person’s behavior with your thoughts?  And if so, how do you go about it?

Other readers have formed Power of Eight® groups, based on my book, but suspect that they could have better outcomes if they just knew a bit more about the skills involved in carrying out intention in a group.

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  • How many intentions do you do with each meeting?
  • Can we do group intentions to help all of us?
  • Do we need exactly eight in our group?
  • How do we get our group to work better as a supportive and loving team?

Still others complain that their intentions continue to be sabotaged by all of the fears and doubts in their own head: that intention doesn’t work or that they’re never going to be able to manifest their heart’s desires.

So if you are one of these people, I have created a special course just for you.

Unlike many courses on the internet today, Intention Essentials has a LIVE elementand I’ll be interacting with you and other course members directly. 

You’ll enjoy a total of 8 hours of teaching and direct experience with me, have an opportunity to ask questions directly, and get special experiential mentoring.

The LIVE session is just like just being in an in-person workshop with me, but for a fraction of the cost of travel, hotel and meeting cost.

  • You’ll discover unique tools to unleash that extraordinary power you have locked inside you – the best ways to frame your thoughts, to keep them consistent, and to use your mental powers to plan your route to success.
  • You’ll become conscious of your own attempts to sabotage your own highest aspirations and retrain this negative thought stream to be a positive force in all areas of your life.
  • You’ll earn all the fundamental techniques to supersize this power in a Power of Eight® group.

During this time of crisis and uncertainty, thousands of people around the world are discovering that the power of intention, and a virtual Power of Eight® group is an amazingly effective way to end isolation and fear, to heal your life and the lives of everyone around you, and to create a new path for you going forward.

‘‘I would highly recommend attending Lynne’s Intention Essentials course. She explains the process simply and the slide notes are useful. There is a lot of kindness and time given to people who ask questions, with plenty of sound advice. I feel this is just the start of my journey!”

- Anna T

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Intention Essentials 2024
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When does it start: The course launches on June 15, 2024 and runs every consecutive Saturday through July 13, 2024.

What happens? For every session, you’ll be given access to a 60-75 minute video on a web streaming platform (see times and course outline below). You can participate by computer or phone. The sessions also have you participate in practice exercises and techniques right then and there.

You’ll leave each week with ‘homework’ – simple exercises and intention techniques you can practice in your daily life until the next session.

You’ll also be able to interact with the entire group of class members through a special Community group page.

Suppose I miss a call?  Every weekly meeting is recorded, and every week you’ll be sent a link to watch back the latest recording.

How about support?  Our team will provide instructions about how to access the web platform and give tech support and help you before each meeting.

What happens in the Community? You’ll have the opportunity to join a private Community group on my website, so you can interact and practice with the other attendees and even set up individual Power of Eight® groups.

How much: The cost for up to 10 hours of instruction and LIVE interaction is just $299 (£288.47 including VAT in the UK). But as a valued alumni we are offering you a special rate of $249 (£239.83 including VAT in the UK)!

The total value of this kind of in-depth instruction and personalized work can run to $3000 or more, but Lynne wishes to make her course accessible to everyone.

‘‘I started to volunteer again, I'd forgotten how rewarding it feels. I do less negative thinking, I catch myself, cancel the negative thought and think of something positive. I have been applying what we learned daily. I see myself doing this until it becomes second nature, and being part of a Power of Eight® group. I'm so grateful for having being part of a group with like minded people who are so loving and compassionate.”

- A.G

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Intention Essentials 2024
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The Intention Essentials Session Schedule


June 15, 2024 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm BST/ 7:00 pm CEST
(1 hour)

This session will ground you in the latest information about why your thoughts are so powerful and life-changing, to you and everyone around you.

Little-known, cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs demonstrate two incredible truths:  your thoughts are not inside your brain and your thoughts are trespassers, capable of influencing other people and things at every moment.

A sizeable body of research exploring the nature of consciousness, carried on in prestigious scientific institutions around the world, shows that thoughts are capable of affecting everything from the simplest machines to the most complex living beings.

As I put it, a thought is not only a thing; a thought is a thing that influences other things.

Through powerful experiential learning, you’ll discover not only astonishing new evidence of why your thoughts are so powerful and life-changing, but also the unconscious intentions you broadcast to the world.

Through a mix of learning and exercises, you will discover:

  • YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN: Astonishing evidence demonstrates that consciousness is ‘out there,’ not inside your head – one reason that thoughts have such power.
  • HOW FOCUSED THOUGHTS CAN SHIFT MATTER, from machines to human beings, and why we’re having an effect on everything around us at all times.
  • YOU’RE A WALKING METRONOME: Your body synchronizes with others – your brainwaves, your heart rate, your breathing, and more when you send thoughts to others.
  • SMART, BUT DUMB: Amazingly, our otherwise sophisticated brain cannot distinguish between an action and a thought, but we can capitalize on this phenomenon to heal every aspect of our lives.
  • YOU’RE ON CONSTANT BROADCAST:  You’re broadcasting – and affecting things outside yourself – 24/7, almost always with negative or judgmental messages.

This week's practice and homework: You will identify your major intentions and begin to test exactly what it is that you are broadcasting to the world about them in homework carried out during the week.


June 22, 2024 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 6.00 pm BST / 7:00 pm CEST
(1 hour)

This session includes in-depth theory and practice on the 7 MOST ESSENTIAL PRACTICES you must master to begin to use intention correctly, based on my unique blend of science and ancient wisdom.

My unique system trains your thoughts on your target with laser-like efficiency.

During this session, you will learn how to:

  • ENTER ‘HYPERSPACE,’ a unique means of calm, hyper-awareness that is far different from ordinary meditation, to focus your thoughts most effectively.
  • WRITE AND REHEARSE THE ENDING, using powerful multi-sensorial methods to make your goal inevitable.
  • SPEAK THE RIGHT LANGUAGE for your own intentions to maximize your chances of success.
  • GALVANIZE your heart and feelings – to infuse your intention with more power.
  • TRUST the process and know that you are never alone in this, but working in concert with a universal energy field.

Practice and homework: You will practice using the 7 ESSENTIALS during the class and through homework during the week to hone your skills.


June 29, 2024 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 6.00 pm BST / 7:00 pm CEST
 (1 hour)

The biggest mistake people make with their intentions is not being specific enough. On their spiritual journey, they’ve learned that they should allow the universe to make decisions for ‘the best outcome’ and not be too specific when doing their intentions.

In my experience, the most successful intenders never leave their health, relationships, finances or life’s purpose to chance.

After working with teams of scientists and thousands of participants in my Power of Eight® groups, I have discovered that the best outcomes are achieved when people are highly specific about the intended result.

I’ve also discovered that people are more likely to achieve their goals when they rehearse the outcome – practicing all the steps they need inside their head first, and also when they embody that outcome, even before they’ve achieved it.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • IDENTIFY what it is you really want and send very specific instructions about these dreams to the world.
  • LEARN THE RIGHT INTENTION WORDING – whether for health, relationships, career or finances or life’s purpose – to maximize your chances of success.
  • PRACTICE mental rehearsal, just as professional athletes do, to vastly increase the likelihood of your intention manifesting itself.
  • VISUALIZE your goals in exquisite detail and find out what NOT to imagine.
  • EMBODY YOUR INTENTIONS – by ‘living’ your dreams in advance.

Practices and homework: This session will include online training and homework in the skill of being specific in your intentions of all types, the right language to use about your goals in everyday interactions, the best ways to rehearse your intentions in small stages and all the best supports to use in order to practice embodying that ‘new’ person.


July 6, 2024 at 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET / 6.00pm BST / 7:00 pm CEST
(1 hour)

Many people repeatedly try to use intention in their lives but aren’t successful and just don’t know why.  They don’t realize how they are broadcasting doubts and fears, which is having a negative effect – as is not being specific enough. It’s often the case that when intentions don’t come true, the intender is unconsciously sabotaging himself.

Try as they might, they’re constantly and often unconsciously setting themselves up to fail.

In this session you will learn to:

  • BECOME CONSCIOUS of how the wrong wording can inadvertently sabotage your highest aspirations.
  • IDENTIFY how your fears about yourself are contributing to your failure to manifest.
  • CLEAR OUT this type of psychological baggage with intentional locators to avoid being dragged down by negative thinking.
  • TAKE BABY STEPS and break down your biggest intentions into readily achievable stages to overcome your own undermining fears.
  • MAP A CLEAR ROUTE, plotting out your intention path to ensure a positive outcome.

Practice and homework: During online practice and homework, you will learn to identify when you are unconsciously sending out the negative intention and practice simple techniques to clear out your biggest blockages to success.


July 13, 2024 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm  BST / 7:00 pm CEST
(1 hour)

In this session, you’ll learn the deepest truth of all: the greatest healer you have is a community, and the intention power you hold actually supersizes in groups.

I will also reveal my discovery that smaller intention groups – of just eight people, or what I call the Power of Eight® – amplify intention power by removing a sense of separation and placing members of the group in a state of ecstatic union.

And that’s the place where miracles happen – as thousands of my participants have reported.

You’ll also discover one of the least understood aspects of group intention:  that it has a special mirror effect.

This session will train you in the very basics of group healing to create closer groups, amplify the healing process, and have all the healing effects rebound to you.

You will discover all the basics steps of Power of Eight® group healing:  how many intentions to set, how to take turns, how to do group intention, how to intend for people outside the group, how to intend altruistically with no expectation of return, and much more.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • HARNESS the power of group healing to heal each group person in turn.
  • AMPLIFY your own intention goals through special techniques to ramp up the group resonance.
  • DISCOVER the extraordinary rebound effect on your own life of ‘getting off of yourself’ and focusing your intentions on someone else.
  • MASTER the right produces to use as a group for an individual or even a community.
  • OVERCOME  discord so that a group of complete strangers eventually can become your intention ‘family.’

Practice and homework: This session will show you the correct step-by-step techniques for setting up a group and using group intention for group members and outsiders.  You’ll learn how to intend with a pure heart for someone else and also experience to practice in small group breakouts during the LIVE mentoring session.



TBC at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm  BST / 
7:00 pm CEST (2 hours)

During this two-hour, LIVE and INTERACTIVE session, you and your classmates will practice all the techniques you’ve learned to ensure you’re doing them right.

Session 7: LIVE Q & A

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
9:00 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5:00 pm GMT (2 hours)

(Please note sessions are one hour earlier than usual in the UK and Europe due to the end of British and European summer time)

In this two-hour, LIVE and INTERACTIVE session, you and your classmates can ask me questions about any aspect of the course. 

‘‘After being on antidepressants for 22 years, I took my very last dose last week. There were no side effects, like what normally happens when I titrate down. My head feels clear AND I have had no feelings of melancholy, no depressed feelings. I'm amazed and so grateful for my group, for Lynne and for this wonderful experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

- Shelly West

“I’m feeling really happy and good, more so than I have in a very long time! I’ve shifted into a more solid state of happiness, connection, increased intuition and increased synchronicity. Thanks so much for coming up with this intending system, Lynne. Many thousands of lives have been magically impacted!”

- Teri B.

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Intention Essentials 2024
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I’ve been investigating the power of intention for more than 20 years.  It’s led me to work with teams of prestigious scientists, in mass Intention Experiments, testing the limits of what our thoughts can do, particularly when loads of us are thinking the same thought together.

During these controlled international experiments (40 in total now), I discovered that each of us has miraculous powers we’ve never dreamed of, to lower violence, to heal each other – to heal the world.

But 15 years ago, I discovered something else: that smaller intention groups – of just eight people, or what I call Power of Eight® groups – also create healings.

When people come together in a group of just eight or so and think the same intention together, they quickly enter what can only be described as a mystical experience.

We’ve carried out scientific studies of my participants in groups and discovered that the Power of Eight® process removes a sense of separation, placing members of the group in a state of ecstatic union.

And that’s the place where miracles happen – as thousands of my participants have reported.

In this foundation course, you’ll discover for yourself how powerful and life-transforming this collective brain-wave resonance can be – to transform your health, your relationships, your finances and career or even what you do for the rest of your life.

In this time of crisis and uncertainty, thousands of people around the world are discovering that a virtual Power of Eight® group is an amazingly effective way to end isolation and fear, and heal the lives of everyone around you.

In this course, you can experience for yourself how the powers you already hold inside of you, particularly in a Power of Eight® group, are a fast track to the miraculous.

Since our group’s intention to heal my chronic fatigue, I haven't had a single day where I've felt either exhausted or tired. My focus has returned and I'm now more productive than I've been for a long time. I’m doing lots of jobs I haven’t had the energy for and now working my way through various courses. I am learning and retaining new information again with ease. Phenomenal!!!

- Sam Lloyd

Now, I make intentions for almost everything: how I want my day to be, on specific events, on relationships, on everything! And I can tell you that it really works! Being specific on what you want, changes your energy and therefore you change your life.

- Judith Verschuren

Put simply, living with intention enables me to live an empowered life, no matter what comes my way. It is about living a life of mastery over the self and stepping into my Divine Self. No more do I feel like a victim of circumstances, but a driver in the great journey of my life. I am so grateful to Lynne for teaching and equipping us with this knowledge in an easy-to-understand way.

- Davinder Kaur Sidhu

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Join Waitlist for Next Year!

Intention Essentials 2024
We regret that all tickets, whether Early bird or regular price, are non-refundable.

Start Your Intention Journey Today!

Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.

Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne! 
