Toni Pace Carstensen (2019)

"This year there were two interesting things: I was diagnosed with needing a dental implant. I worked with my PO8 group, and the need for a dental implant went away, saving me $4000. I have had multiple diagnostic tests for suspected recurring breast cancer - multiple mammograms and then had a biopsy which came up negative." This year there were two interesting things: I was diagnosed with needing a dental implant. I worked with my PO8 group, and the need for a dental implant went away, saving me $4000. I have had multiple diagnostic tests for suspected recurring breast cancer - multiple mammograms and then had a biopsy which came up negative.This year there were two interesting things: I was diagnosed with needing a dental implant. I worked with my PO8 group, and the need for a dental implant went away, saving me $4000. I have had multiple diagnostic tests for suspected recurring breast cancer - multiple mammograms and then had a biopsy which came up negative."

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