Intention of the Week

Intention of the Week

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Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm EST

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  • 10:00 am PDST
  • 11:00 am MDST
  • 12:00 am CDST
  • 6:00 pm GMT
  • 7:00 pm rest of Europe

Please help to heal her curvature of the spine

Monique Leclerc, aged, 56, who lives in Georgia, wrote in after she was hospitalized for five days this week while on a trip to Germany. Here's the story in her own words:

'At the hospital, they told me that the severity of the pulmonary infectionwas due to the very advanced scoliosis to the spine, having advanced in such a way that it it shadows two-thirds of the lungs over the X-rays and that it is restricting to a large degree the in-flow of fresh air from the lungs.'

'They also told me that it is a extremely serious progressive condition which is soon going to lead to a heart compression because the heart will not have any place to function.'

Please join us on the Intention Experiment site on Sunday, March 4, 2012 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and hold the following intention:

"My intention is that Monique Leclerc is healed from the curvature of the spine permanently and that both her heart and her lungs are completely free to function normally."

Alternative practitioners: have you any advice for Monique? Please write in to: and we will pass your ideas on to Monique.

Monique, I have one suggestion of my own. I have discovered the excellent work of Anat Baniel, who uses tiny movements to re-train the brain to help the spine to move normally. She has a DVDs for people with scoliosis. Check out her website on:

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