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Please help heal her psychic attacks. Claire Meachum, 65, of Brick, New Jersey, says that she has been suffering from ongoing psychic/spiritual attacks for about 10 years, and ‘24/7’ for the last five or six years. ‘The only peace I have,’ she says, ‘ is when sound asleep.’ She says it affects her mind and entire body, making normal functioning, even eating, impossible, and it is now affecting her walking. ‘I have tried every form of clearing and healing with no relief,’ she says. ‘ I really need help fast. Please intend for total freedom from negative energy/entity and full restoration of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health.’ Please join us on the Intention Experiment site on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and hold the following intention: ‘My intention is that Claire Meachum be completely free from negative energy or entity and enjoy a full restoration of her physical mental, emotional and spiritual health.’ Please also send an intention this week both to help restore peace in Syria and Egypt. Check here for the time in your time zone: |
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The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
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