Intention of the Week

Intention of the Week

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Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm EST

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  • 10:00 am PDST
  • 11:00 am MDST
  • 12:00 am CDST
  • 6:00 pm GMT
  • 7:00 pm rest of Europe

Gene Landfather, 63 years old, of Gardnerville, Nevada, has spinal stenosis, and the pain that radiates down his leg in to his foot is debilitating, says his wife Kim. He can no longer sit for more than 30 seconds at a time, and driving or riding in a car has turned into a near impossibility. He is a falconer, but can no longer connect with his beloved birds due to his problem. He has been to a plethora of doctors and surgeons in the hopes of having this condition remedied, without any luck, says his wife. “There have been many CAT scans and ultrasounds, and in each case, the next doctor always says they are inconclusive and they need more tests. He even looked in to going to a spine clinic in Texas, but he is absolutely terrified of having surgery on his spine, plus the expense is mind boggling.”

Gene is also waiting for a liver transplant.

Kim: “An intention for Gene would be greatly appreciated,” writes ”as at times he acts as if he's about to lose his mind.
I thank all involved in advance.”

Please join us on this site on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 1 pm US Eastern DST and hold the following intention:

"My intention is for Gene Landfather to be healed of his spinal stenosis, to receive his liver transplant, and be healthy and well in every way."

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