Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Tim Goodwin

Help to heal his sinusitis

Tim Goodwin

Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm GMT
Other times:
5:00 am PDST
6:00 am MDST
7:00 am CDST
8:00 am EDST
2:00 pm rest of Europe

Since 1996, Tim Goodwin, aged 42, of Cranford, New Jersey in America, has had serious chronic sinusitis, with no sense of smell, plus allergies, asthma and continual Eustachian tube blocks.
“I’ve been through two surgeries, courses of allergy shots, antibiotics and steroids,’ he writes, ‘and nothing has worked.
‘I’ve also investigated acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Reiki, and various other herbal treatments, again to no avail. I have a wife and four children that I’ve never smelled! I would very much like to feel better. It may not be life-threatening, but the entire condition has disrupted three of my five senses (hearing, taste, and smell).’
Please join us on this site on Sunday, October 31 at 1 pm Eastern DT and hold the following intention:
‘My intention is Tim Goodwin be healed of all sinus and breathing challenges, and be healthy and well in every way.’
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